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1. You should be asking yourself the question: Are you using the fishes as a "cure" or just for hobby!

2. Under the Flying Star Feng Shui, another common method is to rear either: 7 goldfishes + 1 black or 6 goldfishes + 1 black

Here the no. 6 represents big metal and 7 represents small metal. And black represents the water element. Thus this combination goes well with the Five Elements concept.

3. If is rearing fishes as a HOBBY, then no major significance in the number of fishes or colours.

4. In the earlier link I had provided 4 "methods" of interpretation of how some people apply "fishy" feng shui i.e. no. of fishes. And this para 2 is the 5th method. Since there are so many, many methods, just "enjoy" having the fishes!

5. Imagine maybe just because of this deep recession, one has nothing else better to do than count the number of fishes, daily! Or if one fish dies, go out and immediately get another one..!

6. In my opinion, most successful are those that rear fish as a hobby instead of one dreaming about money falling out of the sky ... after placing a water feature. The other side of the coin is that some Feng Shui practitioners say that everytime one chances the water in the fish tank, one is throwing away $$$!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hello Master Cecil,

My brother and my husband, they both love fish, we have so many fish tanks... every where in the house.

Before our fishes were always dead, even next day after we bought them from the shop.

Then since we moved the fish tank to the place we have been told to put 8 goldfishes and any colors, my goldfishes are growing bigger, healthy and fat!

Butit is just me, Ithink I should get 7 gold and 1 black. (that's what I always think and feel when I feed them everyday...) Beside the room also needs metal.

Thank you very much!

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Glad to hear your success!

And the main key success factor in rearing fish is notjust for the sake of"Feng Shui -wealth" but rather, for human luck factors i.e. feel good and happy ...

For example, some people may not have good heaven luck (bornwith) nor good earth luck (Feng Shui) but they have good Human (man) luck such as being happy, have good family bonding, happiness comes from hobbies like rearing fishes ora pet dog that waits for you to come home... ! All these - money cannot buy - happiness!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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