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Dear Master Cecil,
With my apartment facing NW2 and sitting SE2, the mountain star falls to the back of the apartment which happens to be my bedroom.
To activate the mountain star, I am thinking of using Rock/Stone tiles on the wall where my bed's headboard located. Is this good? If this is not acceptable, then what else can I do to activate the mountain star?
Thank you in advance
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1. Frankly, if it is a bedroom wall, this (on it's own) is considered as an actual mountain vs a situation where it is an opened window.

2. Thus, the only person that you will make them happy by tiling or rock/stoning the wall is the contractor that does it for you. Here, they would be most happy to accomodate your requests as this means making some money from you.

3. Drawing a parallel, just this Tuesday morning, when I visited an existing client, as she requested for an annual review, she bought some Feng Shui articles from some shop. And the shop told her that she must not reuse certain items as the shop wanted her to buy more of it from them!

4. Actually, a mountain by definition can be a wall. Or sometimes you get to hear things like, it is good that the mountain is located at the back of the home (whether there is a back door or not) is in-material.

5. A mountain can be activated by having a safe or even something as crude as brick or brick wrapped in e.g. silver or gold foil. Or even a smoothen rock (those found at the sea side beach). No need to be as elaborate as a "purple amertyst stone" mountain.

6. Ideally, for health considerations, it is best that bedroom walls are easy to clean. And some of those rock walls trap dust, dirt, mites etc.... And often unpainted makes the room dark and gloomy looking! You don't want to live in a cave rite?? Or turn a bedroom into a cave-man cave!

Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Cecil, With my apartment facing NW2 and sitting SE2, the mountain star falls to the back of the apartment which happens to be my bedroom. To activate the mountain star, I am thinking of using Rock/Stone tiles on the wall where my bed's headboard located. Is this good? If this is not acceptable, then what else can I do to activate the mountain star? Thank you in advance Anon

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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