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Question: My dad has just passed away. I don't want to wait 1 year or 3 years (depending on individual family practises), later to get married. What is the earliest date to get married?

Answer: If you want to continue with a waiting period of less than 1 year, than the wedding has to held within 100 days of the passing.

Once 100 days has past, you must wait at least 1 year or more which is usually the mourning period.

The duration(ie 1 year or 3 years) of the passing of a parentdepends on the individual family or clantraditional practice. Some families insist that the marriage cannot be held within 3 years of the passing of a parent. While others feel 1 or 2 years is adequate. It all depends, here.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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