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The house me and my husband purchased has a winding road hills and gentle sloped land however all the rooms are in the wrong spot.Main entrance directly north when you walk inside you end up in the kitchen...there is another entrance almost directly east however the paved road does not naturally lead to this door
one could with a lot of work possibly offset the entrance to start in the NE corner but the classic thing about visitors guessing where to go.
the only good thing about the house is the death corner SE is not built it's
a void in the house square.
Does the building year change where one should place the rooms?
I can not help to think the previous owner lost the house to the bank and his business failed.
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1. Frankly, it is difficult to follow all the descriptions you wrote, below.


Does the building year change where one should place the rooms?

2. I am not sure what you mean by the above.If you are saying that you are relocating or changing place of sleep for family members, than a room is a room is a room. And it does not change the building year.


Helena W. wrote:
The house me and my husband purchased has a winding road hills and gentle sloped land however all the rooms are in the wrong spot.Main entrance directly north when you walk inside you end up in the kitchen...there is another entrance almost directly east however the paved road does not naturally lead to this door one could with a lot of work possibly offset the entrance to start in the NE corner but the classic thing about visitors guessing where to go. the only good thing about the house is the death corner SE is not built it's a void in the house square. Does the building year change where one should place the rooms? I can not help to think the previous owner lost the house to the bank and his business failed.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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