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Dear Jen,

Jen E. wrote:

hello I am wondering on my analysis it states luck will not be on my
side till I am 58 . my favourable elements are wood and fire...yet the
period that turns into luck for me is water and metal ? so why is this
lucky for me??

Firstly, you need to know that the free report only determines your 10-year Big Luck Flow. 10-yearly big luck if with you means that things will tend to be smoother for you, if 10-yearly big luck is not with you it means you have to work even harder for success. In your case, it only shows me that you are an average person (not one of those born with silver spoon very fortunate type person). Your luck is such that you have to work hard early in your life and enjoy life later. That is about all.

There is also a 5-yearly medium luck and yearly small luck. Even where 10-yearly big luck is not with you, you can still have 5-yearly or yearly small luck that may favour you from time to time. This is why your luck can swing up and down for every period. Even in good or bad luck period, you can still enjoy some good years depending on whether the year is good for you.

This portion does not show which year you is actually good or bad.

Secondly, the free report basically determines your basic element. Which in this case is Weak Fire. As a weak fire your favourable element is generally wood/fire element.

But what kind of weak Fire are you? Are you weak because you lack both wood and fire. Or are you weak because you lack more wood than fire. Or are you weak because you simply have too much of your unfavourable earth/metal.

This portion is determined by the Breakdown of Five Element which is only available in the ba zi premium, as this portion is extremely important in a ba zi analysis. If you lack more Wood, this means Wood is your most favourable followed by Fire element.

If you are weak because there is too much Earth/Metal, that usually means your other elements like Water/Wood/Fire may be lacking in general. So even though Water which is an unfavourable to weak fire, may still be good for you if say Water element percentage is 0%.

In your case, I checked that you are weak fire because of too much Earth and Metal. Water and Wood is actually quite lacking. So that means that Wood is your most favourable element followed by Fire element. Once you have sufficient of Wood and Fire element, some Water is good for you also even though it is by default your unfavourable element.

The ideal is to have 20% of each element. Each element will help to balance out the other elements. So it you need the right proportion of each of the five element in order to balance up your chart. So even if an element is your unfavourable, but if you lack too much of it, it will still create unbalance.

So if you do a detailed ba zi analysis, you will find that Wood and fire is your favourable element, but at the same time some Water even though is it your unfavourable element is also good for you. However, as water is still your unfavourable element, you still need to make sure you have sufficient of Wood and Fire before it benefits you. Otherwise, adding water without wood/fire will only weaken you further.

So that is probably why some periods which is water actually benefits you as you simply lack it completely which is partially what created the unbalance in your ba zi chart.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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