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This past weekend I received a money frog for my birthday. After doing research on this symbol, I have some questions....

My frog does not have a coin in it's mouth...what does this mean? It's all in green and he has the red eyes. I'm really confused about the different places I should be placing this. Some say at the front door facing in, some say living room, some say southeast corner of the house, but not in a bathroom or kitchen, well, my kitchen is the southeast corner. I run my own business from home and my office is on the north side of the house, right next to the front door, with a bathroom in between.

I want to definitely get the positioning right on this, as I can't afford to lose anymore money out of the house right now.

Can you please help?

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1. In my opinion, it is best to treat it more as a decorative item, nothing more.

2. Commercial Products: When the buying stops, the selling can!

3. Imagine, even my logo for this special message has a version of the toad (this one is the three legged toad). What does this tell you?


4. Frankly, it makes no difference whether one places it facing the door or throwing it away in the rubbish bin. It is not going to help in $$$ matters!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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