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Dear Cecil/Robert,
I've encountered with the sum of ten combination like M8 W2 B5 A6. Actually what is the benefit of the sum of ten. What I see is two bad star #2 and #5 which should be cure with metal and then will weaken the good star #8. So, I don't see any good of this combination. Or is there any special meaning from this combination?
Thanks a lot in advance.

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1. Frankly, the sum-of-ten is most effective based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.

2. Where if possible, the home is as rectangular or squarish or minimal missing corners or protrusions.

3. The idea is that to benefit from a sum-of-ten, it is best to have as much open space as possible in a home vs too many partitions that restrict this sum-of-ten. Thus it has more to do with this than the numbers on the flying star!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 10 years later...
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Further to what I had mentioned:-

Sum-of-ten takes into consideration:-

1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui (the shape as rectangular as possible)

2. Flying Stars Feng Shui:

2.1. By right each sector should be looked at and either enhanced or bad qi neutralised.

2.2. Frontage : Look at the Mountain Star (MS) and Water Star (WS) and see whether any enhancement can be activated. For example, it would be exceptionally good from 2004 to 2023 that there is a WS #8 at the frontage. Make an effort to activate this to kick-in the sum-of-ten. When applying a water cure, here be careful where the water position is placed. If placed wrongly especially to the right of the main door can bring upon illicit affairs or "roving eyes".

2.3. Look at the Mountain and water stars at the rear of the home. For example if the rear of the house has again from 2004 to 2023 a MS#8 this should be activated to tap on the sum-of-ten.

3. In fact, if possible all sectors of the house should have a Flying Star evaluation to see if each sector's luck can be boosted. Which simply means, doing a Flying Star review of the sum-of-ten house!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 1 year later...
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[6]. Sum of Ten

1. Some charts have only one or a few sectors with the Sum of Ten.

1.1. If so, even if the Flying Star numbers are inauspicious. This Sum of Ten can reverse that sector to become an auspicious sector.

2. Frankly, the sum-of-ten is most effective based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.

3. Where if possible, the home is as rectangular or squarish or minimal missing corners or protrusions.

4. In general, the idea is that to benefit from a sum-of-ten, it is best to have as much open space as possible in a home vs too many partitions that restrict this sum-of-ten.

[6A]. Sum of Ten Water Star

Here an individual sector's Base Star + Water Star adds up to Ten. Even if this sector has bad stars it can flip to become favourable sector.


PERIOD 9: N1, S2/3 NE1, E1, NW1, NW 2/3, W2/3

[6B]. Sum of Ten Mountain Star

Here an individual sector's Base Star + Mountain Star adds up to Ten. Even if this sector has bad stars it can flip to become favourable sector.



PERIOD 9: NORTH 2/3, NE 2/3, EAST 2/3, SOUTH 1, SE 1, SE 2/3, SW1, WEST 1, NW2/3


Related: The 8 Special Flying Star Natal Charts


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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