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Where should I place a fish tank ?I'm confuse with the wall of the entire house vs. each room.

To place the fish tank do you need to look at the fishtank owner GUA. I found some info saids to place the fish tank to northwall or Southeast wall or East wall. Are u referring to the wall position in each room like livingroom or the entire house northposition ?

My house front door is facing South. Back door facing North.

1st floor: bedroom/toyroom is SouthEast. Livingroom is SouthWest. 2nd familyroom is Northwest. Dinningroom is West. Kitchen is North or to central.

2nd floor: Bedroom Southeast. Eastside bathroom & large room extend to central/center of the house. SouthWest bedroom. Northwest bedroom. North bathroom. Northeast closet.

Husband GUA 2, west group. My self Gua 8, West group.

Daughter GUA 9, East group. Son Gua 9, East group.

Thank you very much.

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1. The professional approach is to apply Flying star Feng Shui. And the most advantages is to see especially where the water star #8 is; and if it can be activated.

2. For example, if the water star is at the living room area and a "suitable" place can be allocated for the fish tank then this is the most ideal location. In addition, in general, locations that a fish tank can be placed are locations that have water star #1 or even locations where there are bad earth e.g. if the living room location has #5 and/or #2 and /or #9.

3. Please note that Gua numbers are secondary to the above. Even if one's gua is not suited to having a water position in a home, but if say a location has been detected especially under Para 1, thenFlying Star Feng Shui superseeds the notion of using one's Gua to fit with the placement or non-placement of a water feature.

4. More resources on a water feature can be found, here:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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