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Dear sirs,
i have 3 doors in a straight line in my flat's passage, but the 3rd is not exactly in the same line of 1st and 2nd, or i should say the third one is starting from the middle line of 1st and second door, kindly advice, as i have read in some book that it is not good,

thank you very much for assistance,

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  • Staff

From a Chinese perspective, there are "two concerns" here:-

1. This is more relevant. Three openings especially if they are totally in-line often means wealth coming in and exiting directly. Thus, it is said that money comes and goes out immediately. It is thus good that qi should not be in a direct path especially "leaking" from one side to the other or vice versa.

2. The Chinese belief that "spirits" especially bad spirits can only go in a straight line. Thus, in many instances, you will notice that Chinese platform bridges are always "turning" 90 degrees until it reaches the final span. And equally, landscaping in a garden leading towards a door is often in an "S' curve.

3. For most of us, we are more concern with Para 1.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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