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Dear sir,

I was trying to rearrange my carrer area which comes in my kitchen.

My home lay out comes as main entrance( to Living room ),Kitchen to the Right of the main entrance and a small open balcony area, and rest of piece is missing(genaral parking area).

As per Bagua chart ,this maps as Main entance and small portion of Living Room --

Knowledge,Kitchen and open balconywith noouter wall ,with roof--
career,Missing portion of recatangle(genearal parking lot as am in 3rd floor)--
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I was having a career in Teaching before comming to this home and immediately after comming here before 3 years,I got an overseas oppurtunity and got a job in SoftwareQuality for 1 year.

I had to come back to my native place and am looking for a job in Software QA for the last 7 months.I am trying to rearrange my kitchen area as it maps to carrear area(I believe).I had my Fridge/Microwave near to the main entance wall ,Stove in the middle and Sink near the wall of open balcony.

Please give me any suggestions/advice to my kitchen area tore-enter tomy career.

Also my wealth area comes to the Larger Balcony with roof that belong to the balcony of 5th floor resident and with a fencing made of iron rods.Can I consider this open area as my wealth area as per bagua chart or does it come inside my Living room?


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1. So sorry, but the fixed ba gua method you had mentioned below is not practised, here.

2. The fixed ba gua method, is a modern invention.

3. This site is practising Traditional Authentic Chinese Feng Shui. And it is nothing near to what you mentioned, below.

4. For your info, you are practising the modern invention - invented by one person Lin Yun.


5. In Asia, if anyone were to practise what you mentioned, they will be laughing to the bank!

6. Frankly, especially in the Far East, what you practise is really foreign, even to the Chinese. Just imagine that!

7. As a Chinese, can you believe that if we don't practise it; how can this be real?

Anonymous wrote:

Dear sir,

I was trying to rearrange my carrer area which comes in my kitchen.

My home lay out comes as main entrance( to Living room ),Kitchen to the Right of the main entrance and a small open balcony area, and rest of piece is missing(genaral parking area).

As per Bagua chart ,this maps as Main entance and small portion of Living Room --

Knowledge,Kitchen and open balconywith noouter wall ,with roof--
career,Missing portion of recatangle(genearal parking lot as am in 3rd floor)--
Helpful people

I was having a career in Teaching before comming to this home and immediately after comming here before 3 years,I got an overseas oppurtunity and got a job in SoftwareQuality for 1 year.

I had to come back to my native place and am looking for a job in Software QA for the last 7 months.I am trying to rearrange my kitchen area as it maps to carrear area(I believe).I had my Fridge/Microwave near to the main entance wall ,Stove in the middle and Sink near the wall of open balcony.

Please give me any suggestions/advice to my kitchen area tore-enter tomy career.

Also my wealth area comes to the Larger Balcony with roof that belong to the balcony of 5th floor resident and with a fencing made of iron rods.Can I consider this open area as my wealth area as per bagua chart or does it come inside my Living room?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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