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We have a long rectangular
house, with one of the
narrow ends as a facing
direction. We am
contemplating moving our
front door to a better
position along that face. The
problem seems to be that the
garage is placed along that
front face, attached to the
house, and it covers almost
half of the face. We have
been told that we should take
the garage down, or make it
open to the elements as a
patio, to take advantage of
the front facing chi and to
benefit the new door. The
door is slated to be
positioned in the middle of
the front face, and can be
either inside or outside of the
existing garage

Our question is, will it be
necessary to remove or alter
the garage to receive the best
effect from the facing
direction and new

Thank you.

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1.Check to see if it is feasible for the "back" to enjoy goodfrontage? Yes/No?For example,can activity area be at the back. Or it happens to be the kitchen, the linen area, laundry etc..And/or is the Flying Star qi there good to be the facing.

2. Ifyou had explored the back area and found it unsuitable, then, you may have to depend on the frontage.

3. If the garage is fully closed area;and if the qi coming from the frontage is suppose to be good, then,Yes, the qi can bewasted, here.

4. Alternatively, if youstill have frontage such as windows or asecond floor, thentry toopen the windows at this frontage areaas much as possible, if you do not wish to renovate your garage.

5. Locally, many Singapore homes don't have enclosed garage but a porche that a car can drive into andstill allow for qi to come into the frontage at the ground floor. Thisis like killing two birds with one stone - having a car park and free and easy movement of air /qi into the home.

6. Shifting the main door does not really matter, unless itbecomes an opening to letair/qi flow in. Equally, windows at the frontage is acceptable also.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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