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a student from Singapore and I'm born in the year of the ox(1985). Luck
has not been on my side. at the beginning of the year, i had a bad fall
and end up in hospital with stitches on my forehead and breaking my 2
front tooth. my mother had to fork out a lot of money for the hospital
bill. then a few months later, i got hooked on soccer betting and lost
a few thousands, had to borrow money from friends. Now i have a
mountain of debts to clear. The addiction on soccer betting also cause
me to fail my school exam. i do not come from a rich family or born
with a silver spoon. and money has been going out for my family this
year more than it has been coming in. i really feel lost and confused,
don't know how i'm going to clear my debts and all. my degree has been
delayed for half a year cause i failed the exam.

have not been going well for me, my friend jokingly told me maybe is
because of feng shui. does all this things that are happening to me got
to do with feng shui? i was thinking of visiting a feng shui master.
but could not afford the price. what can i do to improve my luck?

hope to hear from you soon!


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  • Staff

1. Frankly, as you have correctly asked the question: Does Feng Shui really help?

2. These are some of the considerations:-

2.1. Feng Shui is not a cure all. Thus everything cannot gravitate towards Feng Shui alone.

2.2. Under the Chinese "Holy Trinity" of luck; Feng Shui is just one of the three types of luck:-

The three types of luck are:-

Heaven Luck - or commonly known as born with
Earth Luck - Feng Shui of the home, workplace or even at study
Human (Man) Luck - Family relationships, bonding and support structure.

3. As one can see, Earth Luck accounts only for 33.3 percent of the above luck. Thus in an examination, anyone with just 33.3 marks upon 100 percent is considered having failed an examination.

4. The rich gets richer because they are able to tap on what is known as "Quantum Leap" in Feng Shui:-


5. Most of us don't have the luxury of Quantum Leap in Feng Shui nor as you had mentioned -born with a silver spoon.

6. Many of our homes are like "a ten year old 1,000cc car". And logically, even if one path the home with gold, one cannot dream that after doing a Feng Shui audit, such homes can become a Mercedes or BMW or even a Porche, no way.

7. There are lots of people, who don't have fantastic Heaven luck nor Earth luck; but what they have is the support given by family members especially one's kin - parents and brothers and sisters. At your current situation; this area should be your pillar of strength! What is past is past, and try to learn your mistake and be strong! or seek help from SOS of Singapore or other such organisations:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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