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Hi there, I read somewhere that it is not recommended to put glass shelves in the north. I have bought a metal and black glass unit, 2 tier, so its rather low to the ground, and the metel is rounded where the glass meets so I am not worried about the poison arrows. as well its not really hitting a seating area, but I am useing it to activate my water corner. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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1. Frankly, donkey years ago, Feng Shui practitioners had the vague notation that North = water, south = fire.

2. In modern times, unfortunately; this type of "evaluation" or "thinking" is equivalent to Kindergarten type of Feng Shui.

3. Today, a more accurate way of finding out whether the sector is or is not a water wealth location is to find out where is the Water star #8 current prosperity located in a home. This is thru the use of Flying Star Feng Shui.

4. Are you so sure that North is your actual (current) water wealth location; in the first place. If not; how effective can one be if one is activatinga location that is not even the real water wealth position. It is like taking a sugar coated pill - psuedo effect..

5. The morale of the story is to "get your facts correct" before one can properly determine where is the water wealth and then try to activate it.

6. If the location is a real water wealth location, it is better to activate it with real water (yang water) as opposed to yin water. If yin water is used, it is far better to use colours e.g. blue colour to activate it than untested items like a black coloured glass cabinet etc... or some crummy crystals...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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