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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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For all those who had purchased the Flying Star Report, we have just launched a Monthly Flying Star Report in addition to the Yearly Flying Star Report.
This will provide an accuracy of reading from 20-year, yearly & monthly. With the full knowledge of the movement in stars, you can then take precaution for the the year or month which does not favour you. Giving you the knowledge needed to get the best benefit and reduce any bad influences which might affect your house or office.
As this is the first beta for this module, we are still in the process for developing the analysis for this charts.
However, feel free to try it out:) Feel free to provide any feedback or suggestion or modules which you like to see in the Report Management.
We also like to thank all users who had support us and thank those who had purchased our reports making it possible for us to further develop useful tools and services for this site:)
Wishing all a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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