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Are these considered beams?


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Hi Cecil, Robert,

Would like to seek your opinion on these pictures.

Read some sites mention 'exposed' wooden beams as harmful.

Are these considered beams since it's enclosed in concrete to form something like a lowered ceiling/enclave?



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Attached, please find some of the past resources on "beams":-

Some of the past resources on beams:-

Will get Robert Lee, to fix the link to the various pictures to attached to this article. Your picture with markingB is quite similar to the "quarter flower" - which is symbolic of "holding up both sides of the beam". Thus the wooden panel wrapped around the beam can be considered (I suppose) as a cure. But frankly, it is still not too good to spent 2 1/2 hours per day below such a beam:-

One of the ugliest cures.. nowadays.. many avoid like the plaque:-

Will reply in the message on your Marking A.

S C. wrote:
Hi Cecil, Robert,

Would like to seek your opinion on these pictures.

Read some sites mention 'exposed' wooden beams as harmful.
Are these considered beams since it's enclosed in concrete to form something like a lowered ceiling/enclave?



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please see attachments,

2. If we place the bed frame slightly away from the wall, then as shown under the illustration: sleeping-under a beam.gif.

3. A "solution" is to purchase a bed with a storage cabinet above the bed-head postion as shown under the illustration: sleeping-under a beam2.gif

4. A more serious concern, rather; is the sharp corner of the concrete beam. The sharp corner of a concrete beam exerts a posion arrow with a range of 1 metre.

4.1 See illustration: sleeping-uner a beam1.gif: But if the distance of the beam is quite far, both purple markings A and B, would not be "attacked" by the beam.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 9 months later...

Hi Master Cecil,

Referring to photograph A below, due to the layout of the master bedroom, the master bed will lie beneath the beam as shown in photograph A below length-wise.

To explain further, the headboard is fine, ie there is no beam above it. But one length of the bed will be against the wall lengthwise, with the beam in photograph A above one length of the bed. This means that this beam will be above 1 person in the master bed length-wise, and there is no other way to shift or position the bed.

Is this then considered a beam? If so, how do we neutralise this?

Thanks for your kind advice!

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I read, looked at my illustration A and then... like my mouth was wide opened... perhaps quite late or too tired... just can't or mind won't try to undersand what you wrote.

Perhaps, I am getting too old.. .... my wish? "A picture that can tell a hundred words (not necessarily thousand words) would be fine! Else.. "sotong = blur"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Further to what I had mentioned; other than for off-topic (out of topic) subjects such as posting that is beyond the Free GENERAL advise;

2. There is a higher chance for postings that have pictures or illustrations to be answered.

3. In life, although it is not as serious as applying for a job... How does one get noticed thru one's Resume?

4. Ask any Human Resource person and they will tell you to make an effort to work on your Resume.

5. For example, when I scan (not read) your latest posting... I closed it within 30 seconds...

6. The hokkien dialect phrase for my experience is " Lia Bo Kew" = means "cannot comprehen what was said". "Too chiam (too blurr) "....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee,

Sorry for making this so confusing. I have attached a similarphoto which I hope will help in explaining this.

Using the photo as illustration, in my scenario, the master bed has a storage cabinet underneath, and itsheadboard is again the left wall of the attached photo. Thus when a married couple sleeps on thisbed, one person will be lying length-wise beneath the beam near the window.

We are unable to change the setup because we are renting the apartment and the landlord has already built in the bed in such a manner. So we cannot hack away the bed to move it.

Kindly advise if there is considered as sleeping below a beam? If so, what can be done to neutralise this?


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These are some of the considerations:-

1. Appreciate if you can re-read the link(s) that I had posted with regards to your question.

2. Please see attachment. In fact one of the links shows clearly what is a BEAM and what is really not a beam.

3. For example, in this attachment, see markings in RED: A to B. One of the links has a similar example. And I have mentioned .... read up the link...

4. It has more to do with the "mind". Unfortunately, if more than one person comments that they feel that this is bad... then... auto-suggestion takes place.

5. If one still feels that it is a threat; do make an effort to use the SEARCH feature. CLUE: There are at least more than three cures or to me; activating one of these cures is equivalent to "psuedo" cure(s)... akin to taking sugar coated pill.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Further to what I had mentioned, sometimes we tend to look at a picture.. and only see one image.

2. For example, there are many instances where some consider "it" as a missing corner. But instead, a sector should correctly be seen as a protrusion instead.

3. In this case, there is a potential issue called "Sha Qi = poison arrow".

4. The fortunate thing is that there is a huge distance from marking in Purple: C to D. Thus for condos and even lower ceiling HDB's; the distance from any of such "poison arrows" is negligible as the distance is pretty far...

5. Please see attachment.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 10 years later...
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Ok thanks. 

The designer came up with a ceiling island (see pic below) but I spotted one practical issue: there’ll be a big problem to access the lighting points if there’s a need to change the bulbs.

I’m re-suggesting the false ceiling hiding the lights to run along the 3 sides (except over the headboard). That should be ok so long as we don’t have this “beam over our sleeping heads” look ? Pls advise.

Reply: Although it is not a load bearing, so far, frankly it is a stupid idea. Because, 9 out of 10 IDs will never advice on this.

Ok & noted with thanks. 

By the way, just received notice that TOP is during last week of this month. For your site visit, I’m thinking since we’ve more or less gotten the big picture, perhaps it may be better to arrange site visit when the renov is done, so you can advise any small details like where to hang coins, etc. The reason is that upon takeover, we’re going to change the layout and more significantly, we still aren’t sure if we can get MC’s approval for the changes we want. Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.





Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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01 say no to feng shui commercial products.png




No wonder, Feng Shui suffers from a bad reputation, today

Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui.
But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.

Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one:


01 say no to feng shui commercial products.png


Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why.

Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES!

On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client


P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away!

FAKE (3).png




FAKE (7).png

When the buying Stops! The selling Can!



Yes! Ask: "Must I buy from YOU?"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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