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I have a bedroom for my daughter which has a 2m 5w 1t and she has a 2 kua guardian star - I read in a book that it makes her safer than most to stay there. Is it true and if not is a salt water cure and a metal item such as a pendulum clock or gourd enough? I also have a room for my other daughter with a guardian 5 kua and the room has 7m 9w and 5t - same question and confirmation on cure.

Thank you!


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1. Usually it is safer to dwell more on caution.

2. The rationale is simple: As the sector based on the20 Year Flying Star already has: 2M 5W ; the concern here is that hopefully another or multiples of especially #5 and/or #2 especially #5 or even #9 congregate at that sector.

3. Contrast this with another sector that does not have 2M or 5W. Thus the bedroom for your daughter may consider "prevention" rather than a cure. (Prevention is better than a cure). Salt water cure is old "technology" and it has to be placed away from the face - closer to an opening or an open window. Nowadays, a better method is using ionisers cum hepa cleaners like Sharp brand fan cum ionisers which is a safter bet.

Michelle O. wrote:
I have a bedroom for my daughter which has a 2m 5w 1t and she has a 2 kua guardian star - I read in a book that it makes her safer than most to stay there. Is it true and if not is a salt water cure and a metal item such as a pendulum clock or gourd enough? I also have a room for my other daughter with a guardian 5 kua and the room has 7m 9w and 5t - same question and confirmation on cure.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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