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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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This is a new range of Chinese aircraft carriers to rival the American "George Bush" class of aircraft carriers.

The design follows the modular system of the American "Bill Clinton" and Monica L. class of "sex" related ships.

As China had banned Geomancy for the past 60 years.. China found foreign talent: Talented Geomancers from the region to help mann their war ships.

Why a Geomancer? Why not? A Geomancer once wanted to be a ship's captain.

The Chinese government top offical asked him a simple question: " If you can cite one good example of how your current job is related to being a Ship's captain, youwill get the job".

The Geomancer simplyutters a word: " THE LUOPAN" (Isn'tboth the ship and my practise use a compass? Youuse a ship's compass while I use a land Luopan compass.

The Top official (paused fora moment) and started clapping! YOU GOT THE JOB!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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