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Feng Shui friendly: The Deng Xiaoping class of aircraft carriers:

1. Auspicious dates must be chosen for start of foundation work, renovation, first time on-board and move-in to work at the ship.

2. Flying Star Feng Shui must be used to improve on the "wealth" and "luck" of the aircraft carrier.

3. Aircraft carrier must be installed with the start of the art Chinese Luopan and the captain must be a qualified Geomancer. The Geomancer must have had work experience auditing a home, a shop, a factory, a shopping complex and also must have Feng Shuied a town or city project. (The town or city project is equivalent to or similar to the aircraft carrier.

4. The Deng Xiaoping class of aircraft carriers MUST be superior to the George Bush or the Bill Clinton class of American aircraft carriers else the manufacturer must take back the aircraft carrier and do more.

5. The Deng Xiaoping class of aircraft carriers must be installed with:

2 x 6 hollow rod wind chimes

All four towers much each have a clock: Chinese reason that giving others or sending a clock is like sending the enermy to death! Hurrah!

Check out the aircraft carrier now: it uses a conCAVE bagua mirror to suck wealth at the front, it uses the ultimate yin and yang symbol of the highest order of things.. or Taichi. It uses an array of conVEX mirrors at all sides to deflect enermy torepedoes and more...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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