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Precisely, the Flying star calculation is based on the assumption of "where is the most yang - qi or where qi would most likely come-into the home.

It is looked at in terms of where is the "mouth" of the home.

For example, if you have a habit of closing the main door and not leaving it open most of the time; then most likely qi or wind or air would not be able to enter thru this "opening or non-opening".

In many instances, it is often where the ROW of the longest line of windows : often, msot likely may be the living room windows which shares the same windows as some of the bedroom.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Please see illustration.

In this example, the main door can be any where in the home. Here, this illustration, the main door is at the right side of the home.

As you had mentioned that there is a balcony and open space = most probably, your frontage, is here.

Thus in the attachment, you should be taking a reading under marking BLUE "A" looking out towards "B".

Brennon K. wrote:
My door is almost always open as there is a balcony and open space in front of it. The door is located in the NW sector of the house but the door itself faces N. So is my house considered to be facing NW or N?

Thanks for any advice

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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