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Is the door of the HDB apartment facing the electrical riser?


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Dear Master Cecil,

My HDB apartment front door - looking out, one could see the right angled edge of the Electrical Riserat the side wall outside, on the left side of the door ( see attached picture). This front door is in the NW Sector facing SW. The apartment is facing NE1( above 9th floor).

I suspect this is a poison arrow. What's your view ?

If indeed it is a bad poison arrow, what's the best cure to counter the bad Sha Qi ?

  • Would placing a pot of plant in front of the Riser edge be effective ? the right-angled edge stretches from floor to ceiling, I'm afraid the plant will not be able to cover the whole vertical edge from view?

  • Or would hanging amulti-facet crystal ballat the top of the door on the outside work ?

I would very much appreciate your comments and thank you in advance for your time.

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1. One positive point for your home is that the frontage of your main entrance door area looks "bright and open space" - a plus point for any home.

2. This is known as the "Bright Hall" or Ming Tang and definitely a plus for a home. Just look at some apartments; their main door is squeezed in some dark area or corner of a home.

3. In my opinion, the "partial" wall is quite a distance from your main entrance door. And therefore, it has more to do with "psychology" than anything else. Frankly, it is unlike a poison arrow: as a poison arrow is much like a "knife" e.g. a pole slicing thru the main door.

4. In fact, perhaps coincidence, in my mind I can think of many condominiums that are "dark and dim" and such partial walls are much much closer to the unit. The last three new condo developments that I had recently went to: had this kind of "entrance".

5. In Singapore, your apartment is not the only one that has this description or design. I believe, as many as 10 to 15 percent or more HDB flats have some sort of wall as shown in your picture and some of the walls are even much closer.

6. So long as "qi is able to collect" at the frontage as shown in your sample picture, this is considered good and often such a situation not only neutralises or reduces any other major leaks in a home.

7. This is why, often, we hear that when we enter our main entrance, we should not be "hit" by a wall facing the main door.

8. If you are looking for "wealth leaks" in your home; look elsewhere as such leaks are "minor" or even in my opinion: for your home non-existent... due to the Bright Hall effect... Such leaks if any are considered "kachang putehs" or peanut flaws..(if any)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Further from what I had mentioned, often, we do see a situation where our neighbour's have a bamboo rod holder as shown in purple marking A. Please see attachment.

2. Sorry, for this rough sketch. This bamboo rod holder marking A is considered as a poison arrow and not the wall.

3. It would be "worse" if the neighbour points many bamboo pole ends towards the home! Thus, in real life situations, we do have neighbours with poison arrows markings "A" and "B".

(Of course, in this illustration the neighbour would share the same poison arrow as the other sideof the bamboo rod holder and bamboo would equally create a poison arrow towards their home.But some HDB homes especially the corridor unit may be affected bynext door neighbour doing the sameand that neighbour would not be affected by the poison arrow.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The Botannia recently TOP.

In this sample illustration, there are two purple rectangles (representing the doors of two units: say unit #05-01 and #05-02.

Can you imagine standing inside the home and looking out and you can see a huge pedestal facing "blocking" the home's main entrance door? Actually this is only an illustration, but the actual units have similar pedestals very close to the main door.

Compared to your picture, despite it is at 2pm in the afternoon when I took the photo, the foyer or entrance area of the flats is both "crammed" and dim.

Therefore, compared to your's the "issues" or non-issues are peanuts.

There are many many condosespecially with partial walls blocking their main entrance that I can think off!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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My earlier illustration of a bamboo pole holder (thin and tall) and the ends of the poles are considered poison arrow(s).

The attached photo is the most common type of poison arrow that many of us can recognise. But do remember that a sample innocent object like a clothes dryer - bamboo pole holder can equally become a poison arrow.

In this picture: fortunately,it is just the club-house of Sunglade condo. And the day curtains are drawn-down. Thus if it cannot be seen, it no longer becomes a threat.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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DearMaster Cecil,

Thank you for your insightful comments regarding poison arrows and walls at the front door of high rise apartments. This is very interesting ...

Cecil L. wrote:

Imagine if one is standing inside illustration called " UNIT 1".

Standing inside the unit, you face a wall and the pedestal. Such walls are common in condos.. Only the pedestal.. one of a kind... seldom see this... feature...

This leads me to think about my own case which is quite common in HDB apts as well, where the "wall" is on the INSIDE of the door ( see picture of door view looking in) instead of outside. The wall in this case is actually the wall of the store room( about 2meters from door). There is a decorative "wooden peranakan design" windowframing amirror on this wall facing the door.

Is the wallvery bad as what you had mentioned in the above quoted post regarding walls on the outside ? what about the decorative window( framing mirror)? when we firstpurchased the aptyears ago I knew nothing about FengShui ... It'll be interesting to hear your views ...

If so, what cures can we place to correctthe problem ?

Looking forward to your views. Thank you !

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DearMaster Cecil,fficeffice" />

Thank you for your insightful comments regarding poison arrows and walls at the front door of high rise apartments. This is very interesting ...

Cecil L. wrote:

Imagine if one is standing inside illustration called " UNIT 1".

Standing inside the unit, you face a wall and the pedestal. Such walls are common in condos.. Only the pedestal.. one of a kind... seldom see this... feature...

This leads me to think about my own case which is quite common in HDB apts as well, where the "wall" is on the INSIDE of the door ( see picture of door view looking in) instead of outside. The wall in this case is actually the wall of the store room( about 2meters from door). There is a decorative "wooden peranakan design" windowframing amirror on this wall facing the door.

Is the wallvery bad as what you had mentioned in the above quoted post regarding walls on the outside ? what about the decorative window( framing mirror)? when we firstpurchased the aptyears ago I knew nothing about FengShui ... It

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1. Frankly, there are walls that are even much closer than that shown in the picture.

2. There are totally no right or wrong answers as to whether it is good or bad to have a wall facing the main door: as the wall can be as far as 2 or more metres away like in your case or a wall that is as close as 1 metre away.

3. One should not look at "such things" and then give a premature answer to say immediately whether it is good or bad. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, your passage way is quite deep and again, so long as there is a collection of qi in the foyer, this is a plus point.

4. Other homes have main door that immediately faces the window... isn't this a concern? If you have a wall then there is no way qi can leak directly from the main door to the windows or balcony area etc...

5. Generally, based on your picture, the Shapes and forms is still sound. Whether good or bad to place a mirror depends on micro or even flying star feng shui to see if that sector is good or bad.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Compared to your electrical riser partially facing your main entrance door; take a look at this example.

This is a new condo : Casa Merah at Tanah Merah Kechil Avenue.

When one stands inside a unit, looking out of it; the partial wall is both wider and closer to the unit.

In fact, many many condos share this type of layout : from La Casa in Woodlands, to Carabelle, to Botannia to lots of many existing condos.

Thus, your main door facing a partial wall quite a distance away is like "peanuts" compared to so many condos that don't have the luxury of having a super wide common corridor.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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In this picture:-

1. Can you see the entrance door facing the partial wall... much closer than "your HDB flat" electrical riser wall.

2. Next door neighbour's units are so close to each other!

In fact, those who stay in HDB apartments are "blessed" or won't find flats that have entrance doors that close rite? Many HDB flat doors are at least 1 bedroom or one living room wall apart.

3. This is like the senario that: sometimes we consider ourselves in "bad" shape but there are always others out there that are "worse-off" than us.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Cecil,




Thank you for your views which are helpful.




Regarding yourcomment in point 5 below, I would like to clarify the details:




Cecil L. wrote:
5. Generally, based on your picture, the Shapes and forms is still sound. Whether good or bad to place a mirror depends on micro or even flying star feng shui to see if that sector is good or bad.




the flying stars here are 3m-8b-2w as the entrance is in the NW Sector with the main door( and mirror on the wall) facing SW. So is it good or bad to have the mirrorhere ? I've heard from some friends that its taboo to have a mirror facing the Main door ? What's your views ?




Thank you in advance for your time and patience.




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  • 7 years later...
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7 minutes ago, blue38xyz said:

Hi Master Cecil,

if front door face riser door (less than 2 meters), do you foresee any issues? thanks.

It is highly unlikely that the riser door is reflective. If not then; not ideal but equally not a major issue.

What most concerns Water classics is the drainage hole : immediately facing the main door.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 10/11/2009 at 3:31 PM, Cecil Lee said:


The Botannia recently TOP.



In this sample illustration, there are two purple rectangles (representing the doors of two units: say unit #05-01 and #05-02.



Can you imagine standing inside the home and looking out and you can see a huge pedestal facing "blocking" the home's main entrance door? Actually this is only an illustration, but the actual units have similar pedestals very close to the main door.



Compared to your picture, despite it is at 2pm in the afternoon when I took the photo, the foyer or entrance area of the flats is both "crammed" and dim.



Therefore, compared to your's the "issues" or non-issues are peanuts.



There are many many condosespecially with partial walls blocking their main entrance that I can think off!





Queens Condo 







Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 months later...
On 3/28/2017 at 9:02 AM, Cecil Lee said:

It is highly unlikely that the riser door is reflective. If not then; not ideal but equally not a major issue.

What most concerns Water classics is the drainage hole : immediately facing the main door.

HI Master Lee, 

What does it mean by "water classic  - drainage hole" ?  Is it related to D.C.W (Domestic cold water) with water meter ?


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  • 2 years later...
  • Cecil Lee changed the title to Is the door of the HDB apartment facing the electrical riser?

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