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Hi there,
I would need some answers for following questions, can you all help?
1. If you need room window is facing the edge of another building, do you consider this as "sa qi"? If yes, what is the solution?
2. If there is a makeup desk with mirror residing on the right side of the bed of the master bed room, is there a "sa qi"? And if the make-up desk cannot be moved due to space constraint, are there any other alternative ways?
3. If the "Chai wei" is located at a place where it is blocked by a built-up cupboard, is there a way to "chui chai" without moving the cupboard?
4. How do we determine the "chuo xiang" in a bedroom, we still take reference of the entire house (center point) or we can take reference from the bed room?
Thanks for any inputs! :>
Chris Ng

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Dear Chris,
Please see below.
-----Original Message-----

From: "Ng Chris"
This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
1. If you need room window is facing the edge of another building, do you
consider this as "sa qi"? If yes, what is the solution?

Yes, this is considered sha ch'i . You can either:-
a. Use a curtain or a window blind. For the curtain, it should `block' the
sight of the sha ch'i.
b. If the sha ch'i is close by, u can place a Pakua (in the mid-point below
the window). This is the last resort.

2. If there is a makeup desk with mirror residing on the right side of the
bed of the master bed room, is there a "sa qi"? And if the make-up desk
cannot be moved due to space constraint, are there any other alternative

The true test whether it is Sha ch'i is to sit on your bed and look at the
makeup desk. Do you see the mirror? If no, then it is not considered
sha ch'i. Mirrors should not face the bed.

3. If the "Chai wei" is located at a place where it is blocked by a
built-up cupboard, is there a way to "chui chai" without moving the

How was the `Chai wei' determined? Using which theory? Normally, if it is in
the living room, you can place it diagonal to the actual "chai wei"

4. How do we determine the "chuo xiang" in a bedroom, we still take
reference of the entire house (center point) or we can take reference from
the bed room?

This depends. If you have a large bedroom, then you can take the centrepoint
of room and look at the room. But if your bedroom is `small' e.g. less than
1000 sq feet, you should instead take the centrepoint of the house and then
analyse the room. However, under the Eight Aspirations or Eight Associations
e.g. where North is considered the career location, South-West, the romance
location, you can activate these `corners' at a micro level in your room.
The revised FREE Eight House Chart available on www.geomancy-online.com has
included the Eight Associated Directions for such a purpose. Do take note
that priority should be given to No. 1 Analysis done by Flying Star,
second, Analysis done by Pillars of Destiny and Eight House / 4 good and 4
bad directions. After having done this analysis, then you may want to
activate the Eight Associate Directions.
Warmest Regards
Cecil Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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