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dear masters!
with respect to the efforts you made in developing this valuable informative site,as i am extremely happy to find it as heaven's bless for all the needy.
i would prefer to ask you my doubt in flying star section,my question in brief is as follows:
we recently entered a flat which is south2 facing(building +main entrance gates)as we proceed to inside ,the entrance is located almost central to the entire apartment,with west facing,(stairs and lift)which leads to other floors from the ground floor.ours fall in west2 direction(facing)in first floor,just above the entrance.the structure completed its construction in nov2003.
1)as south is the main mouth of the apartment shall i plot south facing flying star chart or
2)west facing period of 7 chart?to remedy my portion?
3)a month passed,i could see my family falling sick and heavy expenditure,shall i confirm it that west sector is activated which is annually afflicted with star 2?
i remain waiting for your precious clue to safeguard my family health and prosperity.

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Yes, it is good to draw two several charts. And evaluate which chart seems more accurate.

As you have cases of bad health, try to check to see which chart South or west2 seems more appropriate.

Swathi C. wrote:
dear masters!
with respect to the efforts you made in developing this valuable informative site,as i am extremely happy to find it as heaven's bless for all the needy.
i would prefer to ask you my doubt in flying star section,my question in brief is as follows:
we recently entered a flat which is south2 facing(building +main entrance gates)as we proceed to inside ,the entrance is located almost central to the entire apartment,with west facing,(stairs and lift)which leads to other floors from the ground floor.ours fall in west2 direction(facing)in first floor,just above the entrance.the structure completed its construction in nov2003.
1)as south is the main mouth of the apartment shall i plot south facing flying star chart or
2)west facing period of 7 chart?to remedy my portion?
3)a month passed,i could see my family falling sick and heavy expenditure,shall i confirm it that west sector is activated which is annually afflicted with star 2?
i remain waiting for your precious clue to safeguard my family health and prosperity.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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