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Dear Master Lee,

I have heard or readfrom different FS Master with regards to the right location for fish tank.

I heard from some mentioning never put the fish tank in the southern walls sector as it represents fire.

Another says, Fish tank should be in the South Sector as that is the wealth sector

Some says should put inNorthern wall sector as it is the water sector

Some also says South East sector ...

Seeking your professional advise on why are there so many claims of diff location of where to put the fish tank .. Is it diff schools diff studies ?

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1. Frankly, Geomancy is not a regulated "profession". In fact, in the past; it cannot be equated to professions like Accounting, Law or Engineering.

2. Today, this Geomany profession will never be equated to real professional bodies.

3. Many years back, especially in the 1970's to 1980's and in-fact as you had mentioned:

Jeremy T. wrote:
I heard from some mentioning never put the fish tank in the southern walls sector as it represents fire.

3.1. Many Geomancers still practise what we call it "kindergarten" Feng Shui. Where: North = water element. South = fire element. And they many have been practising this kind of kiddies Feng Shui, today!

3.2. In my opinion, for those seeking out a Geomancer, and if the geomancer mentions = South is fire thus avoid a water position, there than - better think "thrice" before enaging the geomancer.

3. In the past, I was shocked to hear that : Since Singapore is at the South, we should not have water at all! My Gosh! No wonder, in the past, water for filtering has to be piped to Singapore! Wow!

4. Many years back, an Indian doctor wrote to this forum for advice. He wanted to apply "learned" forum of Feng Shui. For example, in the past one of the most famous works is the "Gray's anatomy" showing all details of our human body.

5. Feng Shui depends very much on the practitioner. As we all know, our heart is located precisely at a location, our lungs are where it is. Our heart have specific arteries and pumps.

6. Check out Feng Shui with different practitioners and one can even get 10 different answers! One Geomancer may say that one's heart is where your stomach is. Another may say that it is at one's liver location etc...

7. How did all the Great Feng Shui Masters of the Past Learn & Practise their Feng Shui?

  • 1. All Great Feng Shui Masters of the past, are all humans, like you and me!

  • 2. In the past, many Feng Shui Masters learn Feng Shui from various books and also through their experience.

  • 3. What is common amongst all the Greatest Feng Shui Masters was that they practice Feng Shui with an open mind, willing to learn and their key success factor is to apply what they felt could work most of the time and discard those theories or concepts that don't work most of the time.

  • 8. All the Classical works on Feng Shui has never used products such as crystals or many of the commercial products found today! In fact, our grand-parents time, crystals were not even invented, then! Feng Shui is about our earth luck and how best we can harmonise ourselves to our environment. Thus many of the products have no magical properties. And the sellings are only trying to enrich themselves since these products are highly marked-up with very high profits to be made.

    9. In "silly" Singapore;in my opinion, 8 out of 10 Geomancers are con artists.. who prey on one's greed; as a result enriching themselves by conning people into buying useless in the name of Feng Shui products.

    10. Caveat Emptor - let the buyer beware!

    11. Not all Geomancy companies or personalities are equal.

    12. In fact, just recently, one of my clients, said that they had previously engaged a geomancer. The geomancer came to their home (one visit only) scribbled on a piece of layout and was no longer contactable!I kept this ineligible layout plan. As a reminder never to provide such a service! (It is not professonal to post it in the forum - just use your imagination...)


    Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

    Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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