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1. It all boils down to the understanding of the Five Elements concept be it the productive cycle & /or destructive cycle and time dimensions in Flying star Feng Shui.

2. In the period 1984 to 2003; the reigning Flying Star period = 7. And according to this senario; during that period #7 is considered an auspicous number. As it is considered as the current prosperity star.

3. Thus in Period 1984 to 2003; double #7's are considered very auspicious and for such locations; again during that period double #7's can be further enhanced by WATER.

4. Now we are in Period 8: from 2004 to 2023. And #7 while it was good in Period 7; has now turned "bad" or reverted to it's number = "Thieft or robbery star". What this means is that one may not literally be robbed; but rather; often missed opportunities or things don't go well - that often.

5. Under the Five Elements concept #7 is considered as weak metal.

6. And wood can help to further "weaken #7". While water can help to further draw out metal - again further weaking it.

7. Some geomancers further fine tune the "cure" with the palace or base star.

8. Thus, there is no right or wrong answer. For example, in many instances; there are many ways to reach a location.

9. For example, in Singapore, if I want to go to Parkway Parade from Hougang. I can either use the new Kallang Paya Lebar expressway or go thru Defu/Eunos/Still Road or via the longer Tampines Express Way or several other roads that link up to it.

10.Thus it is good to have mastery of the Five Elements concept and understanding of the time dimension in Feng Shui in order to understand why such and such a cure was used by different practitioners!

11. To say or claim that one solution is the best solution or confused with the fact that there are so many "solutions" by various people implies that many of these may be wrong. It is likea bad workman blames their tool. Far from it. It is a lack of total understanding .. that may result in this misunderstanding.

12. So long as one provides a good argument using these two concepts; they may be technically feasible!

13. Again, you mentioned fire & wood. Under the Five elements concept; fire can help to melt metal ie. #7 and again it can be used in conjunction with wood to weaken metal.

14. Water can be used to drown double #7's under this current flying star period. But, one has to look also at a location to see if such a cure is or not appropriate. If it a bedroom, it is looney tunes to place a water feature in a bedroom. Thus, the fire and wood cure may be a better solution in such an instance or a combination of wood and water.

15. Again, mastery of the Five elements concept or understanding it is crucial.

Why wood and fire?Under the productive cycle: Wood supports fire.

Why water and wood? Under the productive cycle: Water supports wood.

That is why, some geomancers choose to use such cures. And a link to metal is : fire melts metal while "weak" metal get blunt from "chopping wood". Get the picture?

Caroline S. wrote:

It seems that everyone has different cures for 7-7 Mountain and Water Star combinations in Flying Star Feng Shui in this period - some say water, some say fire & wood, some say nothing, and two have mentioned bamboo in water in a glass vase ..... what cures do you have for Double 7, and why do you recommend them?


Thank you!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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It seems that everyone has different cures for 7-7 Mountain and Water Star combinations in Flying Star Feng Shui in this period - some say water, some say fire & wood, some say nothing, and two have mentioned bamboo in water in a glass vase ..... what cures do you have for Double 7, and why do you recommend them?


Thank you!

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1. Further to what I had mentioned, mastery of the Five Elements Concept is important.

2. In addition, types of cure(s) also depends on the sector. For example, it would be fool hardly to place a water feature in say a bedroom. Thus some geomancers recommend other cures e.g. Fire and Wood. Here, fire can be presented by light or even red colour etc...

3. I don't need to elaborate more, but for those with a close eye or have a basic understanding of the Five Elements concept (productive and destructive) can easily note the LINK between those in PURPLE. This is why some Geomancers use this association as a cure for #7(s). And it can futher explain why none of the geomancers "touch" or use earth as a cure. As earth only further fuels metal.

4. It would be wrong for say a geomancer to claim that his/her cure is the best. The best cure depends on the sector and even things like the palace /base flying star number and even yearly stars etc.....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Lee,
I am confused, if in a sector there are M#9 W#5 B#2 Year#3 and Month#7.
If I use metal cure against #2 and #5, it would support #7?
If I use fire cure against #3, it would fuel #2 and #5?
If I use water cure against #7 and #9, it would fuel #3?
Please enlighten me. Thank you in advance.

Warm regards,

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Anonymous wrote:
Master Lee,
I am confused, if in a sector there are M#9 W#5 B#2 Year#3 and Month#7.
If I use metal cure against #2 and #5, it would support #7?
If I use fire cure against #3, it would fuel #2 and #5?
If I use water cure against #7 and #9, it would fuel #3?
Please enlighten me. Thank you in advance.

Warm regards,

1. In my opinion; the "better" cure is still a metal cure. As #7 is for a month only and #7 is a weak metal element. And even if it is a bad star; it does help to reduce M#9 W#5 B#2.

2. The other alternative is a water feature (definitely in a bedroom, store, toilet, kitchen etc) - that consists of all five elements in it:-Resource: http://fountain.geomancy.net Under this resource goto Para 2.1 to 2.12 on what makes a good water feature.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Appended by Cecil: Thanks for pointing out.. So sorry.. my fingers were too fast. Whatmissed out the NOT, below:-

"2. The other alternative is a water feature (definitely NOT in a bedroom, store, toilet, kitchen etc) "

Master Lee, Thx for the very helpful link :-)
- I have read somewhere else that putting any water feature in BEDROOM is not good (maybe I misunderstand it because of lack of knowledge). Would you please briefly explain when it is allowed to put small water fountainin bedroom and when not?
- Instead of Water Fountain that consists of all 5 elements, is it also allowed to use shape and form to represent 5 elements? e.g. painting the wall with soft blue color (=water), hanging 6 coins (= metal),rectangular poster of green mountain (= wood and earth) and using red/orange bed sheets (= fire).

Thx in advance.

Warm regards,

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