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Dear Sir,

My husband andI we have the Kua #4. Ourdaughters #2 , #4 and #6.Our house is an 8 period housefacing NE 40 degree.

First I need to know:

1. Should the flying star chart of9 sectorscover the whole house area including the back yard area and the enterance outside the buidling but inside the fence or not.

2. This is a western group house, but we are eastern group persons, meanwhile the flying star chart has all auspecious numbers combinations:

369, 852, 147

which one is more effective the fact that this is a western group house, that it is facing our worst direction, the flying star chart combination numbers?

3. I also cannot idendify the bestarea for each of us, should I follow the waterfacing star or the facing direction of the room door for each, or is it the area it self according to the kua number?

eg: The room in the Southwest has the base star 5, water 8, mountain 2. The door is facing the NE direction

For my daughter with kua #4 this is a bad sector SW, bad door facing direction, but an earth water star 8 that is good for wood 4. Should I overlook the first two facts and follow the third?

Thank you for your help



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Logaina M. wrote:

Dear Sir,

My husband andI we have the Kua #4. Ourdaughters #2 , #4 and #6.Our house is an 8 period housefacing NE 40 degree.

First I need to know:

1. Should the flying star chart of9 sectorscover the whole house area including the back yard area and the enterance outside the buidling but inside the fence or not.

1. The 20 Year Flying Star Chart is a "perfect" tool when used in conjunction with the "pie chart" method. It can be used for the interior as well as extend further to the back yard area and whatever; no issue.

Logaina M. wrote:

2. This is a western group house, but we are eastern group persons, meanwhile the flying star chart has all auspecious numbers combinations:

369, 852, 147

which one is more effective the fact that this is a western group house, that it is facing our worst direction, the flying star chart combination numbers?

2. Priority is always : "location, location, location".

3. Thus, just "eating" and "sleeping" on Flying Star chart is alone in isolation is not appropriate.

4. One of major key success factor is: Environment (The Landscape); The Site, the building or house - based firstly on the Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.

5. What you are mentioning is like putting on run-flat tires on a car ; but forgot to install brakes to the car. This car can still crash.

6. Thus, mind you, a holistic approach is critical: Good Shapes and Forms; and equally good facing directions: and equally matching the layout plan to the environment. If Flying Star Feng Shui is used: there is a vast difference between: Pearl-string effect, or clear-space at the frontage.

7. Overall, Shapes and Forms, 1st; and the common denominator of Eight House concept and Flying Star are that they belong to the Compass School Feng Shui! Here; it takes two hands to clap:

Logaina M. wrote:

Dear Sir,

369, 852, 147

8. Frankly, it is no point regurgitating these numbers, as it has to be looked at sector by sector.

Logaina M. wrote:

3. I also cannot idendify the bestarea for each of us, should I follow the waterfacing star or the facing direction of the room door for each, or is it the area it self according to the kua number?

eg: The room in the Southwest has the base star 5, water 8, mountain 2. The door is facing the NE direction

For my daughter with kua #4 this is a bad sector SW, bad door facing direction, but an earth water star 8 that is good for wood 4. Should I overlook the first two facts and follow the third?

Thank you for your help



9. Figuring out with limited knowledge can sometimes unfortunately become: " a little knowledge is a dangerious thing".

10. Frankly, either you have to somehow, somewhere, hope you get it right or often, get professional advice.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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