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1. Life is rather peaceful for Geomancers - as often, we don't want to get unnecessary white hair or age unduly.

2. But there are always those who: love to bring up their problems: " My agent says, if I do not reply by YESTERDAY, the property would have been sold".

3. But when you mention this to the client: They will say, don't worry, I will never hurry to review the property for me. Yet, one call, will follow-up by another or an e-mail.

4. Once an e-mail was sent; expect a call or an sms in the next few hours asking...

5. Look at it this way, it is not like we can drop everything or fixed appointment and look at such cases...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. What is the difference between a Geomancer and a Singapore Politician?

A Geomancer has jet black hair (myself included). But for a Singapore Politician; compare their photos: before and after entering politics.

When a politician enter politics; they start-off with jet black hair like most of us. But usually after three to five years; somehow, their hair turned magically greyish or white!

2. Thus it makes no sense for us Geomancers to be embroled in a clients: Can or cannot buy frenzy! Firstly, Geomancers are not real estate agents. We don't go around house hunting or follow clients to view each and every home.

3. More importantly, we like to keep our hair as black as possible. In fact, there are cases where some lawyers enter politics and as a result loose their home: e.g. landed property to renting / become bankrupts or having to "escape" Singapore.

4. The morale of the story: "If it is yours, it's yours" If it is not yours, it is not yours". And never believe agents when they say " Let me know by yesterday!".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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