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Dear Master Lee

fficeffice" />

I live in ffice:smarttags" />Europe and find your website very informative and interesting. I have been visiting and reading this site for the past 6 months. I have applied some of the theories on this site with good results.

My questions is that living in Europe we do not have access to a number of remedies that I read about such laughing Buddhas, Wu Lou, Chinese coins, dragons, 5 element pagodas, victory banners and other items mentioned on this site.

Under the flying star school can we activate and enhance an area using items which represent the elements only? Such as plants or the color green for wood. Metal objects or the color white for metal. Candles or the color read for fire. Crystals or the color yellow for earth and the color blue for the element water. And can these be effectively used to destroy or weaken elements. For example can something which represents fire be used to destroy metal?

Are these as effective as the Chinese symbols, mentioned on your site?

Some people say that the element water can be represented by a mirror or a glass object? I ask this question as I want to put a water element in an area of my house but do not want to use physical water. Will a glass bowl do?

One last question. Each person has a personal Kua number which is used to determine a persons 4 good and 4 bad directions. My number is 7.

Does a house have 4 bad and 4 good sectors also? I ask the question as some FS practitioners talks about such a concept on their websites. I have not come across this on your website. If such a concept does exist can you provide me a link?

Thank for reading my questions. I am a student learning about FS all the time.

Best Wishes

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src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

Does a house have 4 bad and 4 good sectors also? I ask the question as some FS practitioners talks about such a concept on their websites. I have not come across this on your website. If such a concept does exist can you provide me a link?

1. Traditional Feng Shui is based on two major schools:-

1.1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

1.2. Compass School Feng Shui: which comprises :-

1.2.1 Eight House Concept / 4 Good/BadDirections-Sectors/ Ba Cai Feng Shui
1.2.2 Flying Star Feng Shui

2. The above Para 1 encompass the entire Traditional School of Feng Shui.

3. Thus it is not so much of a house have 4 good or 4 bad directions BUT rather; we are usually talking about persons and their suitable directions.

3.1. Thus, this often applies MORE towards "plan-to-bulit" a new home or major renovations. Here, for example a geomancer may consider which are the 4 good and 4 bad sectors of the individual and then try to allocate certain areas where the owner(s) breadwinner should spent more time and avoid e.g. his/her toilet(s) at the person's good sector.

3.2. Therefore, it is not a home has four good or bad sectors. For a home, Flying Star chart is looked at, instead. For example, if a particular location has very bad stars #5 #9 #5; geomancers recommend that if possible, this could be a toilet or a storeroom.

4. It was more common to see some practitioners in the past practising PURELY : the Eight House Theory (4 Good / BadDirections-Sectors). In fact, unfortunately, there are still some "lower class" Geomancers who don't even know that Compass School comprises both Eight House and Flying Star. Thus there are some who only know Eight House Theory

5. In fact, the proper method is to review both the Flying Star chart of each sector and Eight House of the individual and see what is best for that sector. For example, in the above example under Para 3.2. It is no point that the "prosperity" sector of the breadwinner is located at a sector but this sector has very bad or "rotten" Flying Star numbers such as #5 misfortune /sickness with #9 fire fuelling #5 and another #5 at that sector.

6. Thus in such a situation, a geomancer would normally recommend as a compromise say this sector not be the toilet but can it become the storeroom area?

7. We should be worried if the Geomancer continues to apply on the Eight House (4 Good/ Bad) alone. Thus a good balance is to apply both these Compass School of Feng Shui: Eight House and Flying star Feng Shui.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please note that symbolism is important. Thus if one does not use REAL water usually classified as "Yang water"; "Yin Water" in the form of a koi fish painting can represent the water element (or to be exact it is a combination of metal-water element.) The painting can be used instead of a "miserable" glass bowl - as it may be a breeding ground for mosquitoe lavae - still water.

2. Fire element can be represented by "lighting" instead of using the alternative red colour. For example, the most effective way of neutralising #3 bad wood is to turn on e.g. a red led light.

3. Thus the Five Elements Concept is very flexible in that one can use colours / colours with shapes etc... And do not need to fully depend on "made in China" products - kind of thing!

Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee

src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

I live in src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
border=0>ffice:smarttags" />Europe and find your website very informative and interesting. I have been visiting and reading this site for the past 6 months. I have applied some of the theories on this site with good results.

My questions is that living in Europe we do not have access to a number of remedies that I read about such laughing Buddhas, Wu Lou, Chinese coins, dragons, 5 element pagodas, victory banners and other items mentioned on this site.

Under the flying star school can we activate and enhance an area using items which represent the elements only? Such as plants or the color green for wood. Metal objects or the color white for metal. Candles or the color read for fire. Crystals or the color yellow for earth and the color blue for the element water. And can these be effectively used to destroy or weaken elements. For example can something which represents fire be used to destroy metal?

Are these as effective as the Chinese symbols, mentioned on your site?

Some people say that the element water can be represented by a mirror or a glass object? I ask this question as I want to put a water element in an area of my house but do not want to use physical water. Will a glass bowl do?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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