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1. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing? or rather someone who takes on a title and then with their limited knowledge provides "ill advised information".

2. As I recalled; as I am very family in this industry called : Fwang Shway or Fung Shui or Feng Shui.

3. In the 1980's the trend was to pick up a dozen Feng Shui books: 1001 tips on Feng Shui and many happily go about this "new hobby" of theirs;

4. In the 1990's the "sharks" emerged as they found that they can make supernormal profits out ofobjects which they name them " In the name of Feng Shui...."

5. This trend continues till today. During this period: "Instead of fixing the leaks; many go to stock up their sinking ship with lots of useless ornaments in the name of Feng Shui.

6. All these while; very few sites includingGeomancy.net was trying to"educate"manyof such things as: one family member practising Feng Shui (in secret); purchasedmanyuseless objects.. ran into credit card debts and even divorce because of this.

7. In the 2000's; I coined the term "Commando Feng Shui". Some don't really care; "Just do it and often it becomes anover-kill.

8. In the 2010's onwards; many started to realise that: Hey! Feng Shui is not just about enhancing, buying, buying and buying to"decorate" the home. But, hey! Feng Shui have dire predictions like: the dreated FIVEYELLOW.

9.Unfortunately... let's home it does not end up as one of the "NEW" mental illness: Obsessivecompulsive disorder!

10. Recently some forum postings .... dwell with Obsessivecompulsive : how to fix the leak or poor advice from "bogus or know nothing Feng Shui "masters".

11. Look at all the Malls in Singapore... second to food; nearly everone else starts to open a Geomancy Shop in Singapore malls. And they really have no shame in tauting their so called "magic in the name of Feng Shui products!" What a shame! When the buying stops! the selling can!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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