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I like to know if the layout of livia site is auspicious. From one angle, it looks like a cooking pans or a limbless bird. From the oppsite side, it looks like a chopper.

If there is another project being build beside it, will there be any disadvantage for those beside block 61, 63, 65 (along the blande)?

Thanks in advance,

Tim Chua

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1. In my opinion, it is not that bad.

2. Frankly, I see it more as a graceful geese gliding gracefully on water; see attachment

3. In my also; it looks less like a cooking pan as a cooking pan is rounded; where else this either looks: like the cake scoop. For example, when we scoop up a slice of a piece of cake to a plate. Or at least it is like a chopper as you had mentioned.

4. A chopper is actual good as this is an "offensive" weapon and the only thing is that whoever is in the "way" of this chopper e.g. neighbourhood land is not as good. For example, please see attachment Fabercrest hill site. It looks like the blade of the long Chinese weapon.

5. Edelweiss Park condo if you compare to Livia; looks more like a legless peacock with it's feathers "down".

6. The Signature Park condo also (remotely) resembles the head and neck of a king fisher bird or even a young duck - if it is in grey tones.

7. Anyway, human always can very easily imagine outlines if it remotely symbolises any human form or animals or insects. For example, sometime back many saw the stone feature on Mars as looking like a human face. But when the explorer took closeup pictures.. it is merely a hill with two indents that looks like the outline of the face, eyes and nose.

Anonymous wrote:


I like to know if the layout of livia site is auspicious. From one angle, it looks like a cooking pans or a limbless bird. From the oppsite side, it looks like a chopper.

If there is another project being build beside it, will there be any disadvantage for those beside block 61, 63, 65 (along the blande)?

Thanks in advance,

Tim Chua

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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