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Hi Celia, Robert,

I have two questions:


Which part of the BA ZI will detemind whether you are a strong or weak element?


Why some fortune tellerbase only on the element but never mention weak or strong?


Onyour website, havestrong fire or weak fire, and have totally differentanalysis result.

On other fortune teller website, no strong or weak, fireonly have one analysis result.

Need your enlighten.


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Peck Wun W. wrote:


Why some fortune tellerbase only on the element but never mention weak or strong?


Onyour website, havestrong fire or weak fire, and have totally differentanalysis result.

On other fortune teller website, no strong or weak, fireonly have one analysis result.

Need your enlighten.


This question has been asked many times.

Two years ago, one user highlighted to me that she went to a popular website to check her ba zi. The ba zi details was different from this site. And when she last checked, she was surpised to find out that the site has "updated" their info to match this website's ba zi information.

This FAQ tells all:-


As for your first question: in general, it is an interaction of many inputs and other factors like "House of Life" taken into consideration.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil,

Thanks for your enlighten.

The note by robert mentioned:

One must always boost up your favourable elements first, then add in elements which you lack (even if they fall in your unfavourable elements).

I am of weak fire and the element I lack is earth.

So I have to wear more red and green, to boost up my favourable elements first but how doI know whether is enough andwhen &how do Iadd in elements which I lack next?

Do I wear more red and green and then mix with a little of yellow on the same day andeveryday?

Or wear red and green for 1st 2daysthenwear yellow forthird day and back to red & green on the forth day and so on?


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Hi Cecil,

Thanks for your enlighten.

The note by robert mentioned:

One must always boost up your favourable elements first, then add in elements which you lack (even if they fall in your unfavourable elements).

I am of weak fire and the element I lack is earth.

So I have to wear more red and green, to boost up my favourable elements first but how doI know whether is enough andwhen &how do Iadd in elements which I lack next?

Do I wear more red and green and then mix with a little of yellow on the same day andeveryday?

Or wear red and green for 1st 2daysthenwear yellow forthird day and back to red & green on the forth day and so on?


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Further to what I had mentioned, this is a very useful link: an old resource I wrote sometime in 2005 (5 donkey years ago)...


What is L.C.M.? What has Ba zi in common with Flying Star Feng Shui and the Five Elements concept.

Under Ba Zi, we can be classified as say Strong Earth or Weak Earth. Under Flying Star Feng Shui: #2 can also be classified as weak earth.. while #5 is classified as strong earth. #6 as strong metal. #7 as weak metal.

So, tell me? Why is it so important to classify them into weak or strong?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil,

After reading the link provided, this is my understanding (correct me if Iam wrong):

If I am a weak fire person, I will concentrate on strengthening my element by adding wood and fire.

Once I become strong, Earth(elementthat I lack)will be naturally be produced (fire produce earth).

It is correct?

I am sorry,I really dont understand when you mention:

'Why is it so important to classify them into weak or strong? '

Need to trouble you to explain further.


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1. In real life situations; it is the interaction of the home Feng Shui with one's ba zi element.

2. Thus, most people would normally: "wear" the favourable colours in their HOME. For example, if one has a child, one would "wear" the favourable colours onto the child's bedroom. For example: the colour of the walls, curtains and bedsheets. Or when buying a car, many would also consider the choice of car colours suitable to their ba zi.

3. In many instances, many people don't often seriously wear certain colours - if it is not practical. The sterotyping is that women = red or pink and men = blue. And what happens if the male has a ba zi that favours red colour? Wear red all year round or GO JOIN Ferarri and wear their red uniform?

4. Personally, wearing colours onself is like focusing on peanuts. And not the big picture.In many instances, how to wear the same colour over and over again?Or on the contray get out of wearing that colour.

5.1 In Singapore,Israel where national service for boys (men)is compulsory and majorityend up in the army. How to complain and getaway from wearing GREEN?

5.2 For example, if one isconsidered as a Strong Wood person. Are you able to excuse yourself to your supervisor and tell him/her that green colour is NOT suitable to you. If it is wartime, not only will you get court-marshalled, but also shot-immediately!

5.3 In Singapore, many schools have school uniforms. For example, many Catholic schools use white shirt. And for convent girls: blue dress and white shirt. So blame it on life if the child fares or behaves badly in school. Peanuts, peanuts and more peanuts, please.

6. You wrote: "Or wear red and green for 1st 2daysthenwear yellow forthird day and back to red & green on the forth day and so on?" I say... too free or nothing better to dois'it?

Peck Wun W. wrote:

Hi Cecil,

Thanks for your enlighten.

The note by robert mentioned:

One must always boost up your favourable elements first, then add in elements which you lack (even if they fall in your unfavourable elements).

I am of weak fire and the element I lack is earth.

So I have to wear more red and green, to boost up my favourable elements first but how doI know whether is enough andwhen &how do Iadd in elements which I lack next?

Do I wear more red and green and then mix with a little of yellow on the same day andeveryday?

Or wear red and green for 1st 2daysthenwear yellow forthird day and back to red & green on the forth day and so on?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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