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Hi All Expert,

I am in the process of buying a new condo for own stay. I had been searching for a suitable house.

However, prior to buying my condo? What exactly must i look out for? Is there any particular direction that my main door must face? What direction must my Masterbed room be?

I am thinking of buying a condo with balcony and its normally right opposite the main down. If i am not wrong, if the main door is the "Facing direction" then the balcony with be in the "Sitting direction". I would like to renovate my balcony to have a pond like water feature that covers the whole of balcony floor with water. Will there be any fengshui issue? As i see for many websites on case study about the wrong placement of water fish tank that cause a lot of problem. I really like the concept of pond water features. Is there any way out?

Hope that all expect can advise me how to move forward. Thanks a lot


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1. If one is trying to DIY; then one of the first report(s) especially for the Male and Female breadwinner(s) should be considered:-

The Eight House Report: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-8h.htm

Usually, from this report; especially the Male breadwinner's best facing direction should be considered.

2. The forum has lots of resources like what is considered as the facing direction etc...

3. Question like should the master bedroom be suitable to the Male breadwinner or sometimes both male and female breadwinners have different directions, then what?

4. If you want to DIY, you really (really) have to be patient and read up lots of resources.

5. For those who "work smart" is often thru the most recent trend (in the last few) years of getting Feng Shui service available from many Geomancers. In simple terms it is "Can or cannot buy this ... unit" type of service.

5.1. Often one really likes a home and calls a Geomancer to give advice on the spot. And many even after just one session; would be able to better understand what to look out for next.

5.2. Else as I mention, there is no way, such a question can be answered thru one message.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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