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Dear Master Lee

We have been living in present house for past 10 years and after we moved in, a fengshui master wrote some chinese words behind our bagwa mirror and this have been hanging outside eversince. 3 months ago another fengshui master (he can see energy 'yin or yang' with his eyes) who visited our house suggested we should sell and also commented that the mirror has offended some 'yin' energies into our home and is stopping us from selling or moving out. We're thinking of removing the mirror and dump into the bin. Would this be the correct method or respect 'it' by burying in the ground? Some masters recommend throwing it into the sea. Pls. advise. Much appreciated.

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These are some of the considerations:-

1. Remove it during Yang timing especially best with natural daylight. Thus if you are at home; the best time to remove it is between 11am to 1pm and not later than 3pm. (3pm onwards is yin timing).

2. The most common method of disposalofitems (if it is "clean")is to warp it up in clean used newspaper. Place it into a normal plastic bag and throw it into the bin.

3. In fact, the rationale for your previous master's writing is to protect the ba gua mirror with a charm. Thus it seems puzzling that such a mirror can offend "yin" energies.

3.1. Frankly, this ba gua mirror and charm is suppose to be effective for "Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese and even Malay (Indonesian) entities. Perhaps, the main suspect is that other than to "cure" sha qi or poison arrows; it's the other half usage i.e. offering "protection" from yin entities may not be as effective say in a different cultural environment such as Australia (the natives of Australia and especially the past British backwater country.

3.2. Only if an item has been "possessed" by an entity; the safe-guard is throwing it into the sea. This is a common "effective" practise.

4. Sometime back, Chinese family, brought home a "Japanese entity housed in a Japanese casket object. Initially, the lady was given lots of luck e.g. winning lottery... but there was a shelf-life.. it later took the lady's soul. And the only way to dispose of such things is to the sea.

5. Thus, avoid burying the ba gua mirror - especially if it is picked up in the future by some innocent persons. Also never intentionally or unintentionally burn such things. One may accidentally create a portal. It is even worst to bury it at NE (as many cultures have felt that it is the gate from Hell) and SW the (devil's backdoor).

6. On the commonsense approach to Feng Shui; even in Singapore; where there are many different religions; the market value of a home can even be affected by visual appearance! For example, Singapore does have a sizeable Christian population. And even before Christians step into a home to view it; seeing a ba gua mirror is often a turn-off for them ...

7. As to your current Geomancer's suggestion: to sell the home. Did you sound out to the geomancer that you intend to sell your home? Or is he who suggested it. If you have been "happily" living in the home with relatively no issues ... even if life is mundane... then you better think twice.

8. Frankly, in my opinion, not many Geomancers have a "third-eye". Caveat Emptor: Let the "buyer" beware...

9. Another concept to consider: If it ain't (seriously) broken.. don't (sell) fit it! applies

10. In my opinion, something as small as this hardly can be "possessed" or "active" especially if it has a mirror : be it a flat or either convex or concave mirror on it and the mirror is not blurr. Thus - in most instances disposal under Para 2 is acceptable.

Carolyn G. wrote:
Dear Master Lee

We have been living in present house for past 10 years and after we moved in, a fengshui master wrote some chinese words behind our bagwa mirror and this have been hanging outside eversince. 3 months ago another fengshui master (he can see energy 'yin or yang' with his eyes) who visited our house suggested we should sell and also commented that the mirror has offended some 'yin' energies into our home and is stopping us from selling or moving out. We're thinking of removing the mirror and dump into the bin. Would this be the correct method or respect 'it' by burying in the ground? Some masters recommend throwing it into the sea. Pls. advise. Much appreciated.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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