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Thank you so much Cecil. Some crystals which he purchased a long time ago was given to his girlfiend to keep but she did not want it and told me to keep them. Is that ok then? The other things like his old camera, USB memory stick and photos should I keep them or dispose of it?

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1. Very small items no issue such as USB thumb-drive.

2. Usually photos on their own - no issue. But it is kept in one of those especially A3 sized bulky album then the best is to remove the photos and throw away the album.

3. For the camera:-

3.1. Check if it was his favourite camera or not? If it is one of his favourite camera and/or

3.2. It is roughly the size or equivalent to todays' Sony Alpha series e.g. DSLR-A230; then it is best to avoid keeping it. Anything smaller, such as equal to today's portable camera is OK.

4. Usually, you will "know". If afterwards, no more bad streak; then these things don't have residual "value".

5. With modern technology; the other thing to watch are photos that are A4 sized and above! Sometimes, these hold residual "value" ...... one way is to scan the image and then tear the photo(s) away.. never burn them. And dispose accordingly - if string of bad luck occurs.. Most unlikely; but do monitor the situation.

Philip O. wrote:
Thank you so much Cecil. Some crystals which he purchased a long time ago was given to his girlfiend to keep but she did not want it and told me to keep them. Is that ok then? The other things like his old camera, USB memory stick and photos should I keep them or dispose of it?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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There is quite painting of some old chinese coins, artifacts [fake] of ancient chinese metallic assessories which he asked someone to mount it into a photo like frame, and Swarovski Crystals like 9-10 of them like piano, car, train, harp, etc etc. Should I keep those... strangely he died in Dec 2007 and I returned a tree fell and things were not immediate and took like 2-3 years strange occurences happened so I am only concerned of the relationships to the items I kept of him... should I keep those or if dispose how do I do so.... as here in the US I can only put it out in a trash and that kinda makes me sad to do this. on the other hand someone mentioned that if I keep it.... that also hinders his soul from leaving but as a brother why are these things happening?

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Thanks so much Cecil I truly appreciate it very much. I will not forget and when I come to Singapore will help you guys out. BTW using kaffir lime for bath... does it work or adding kaffir lime plus the flowers for more effective cleansing ? Is there a short tutorial on this cleansing procedure? I hear many different variations... like the kaffir leaves + the Kaffir lime for cleansing negative chi

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1. It would be great if the kaffir leaves can be added. (In the past not many people outside of South-East Asia - heard of the kaffir leaves let alone the "thai kaffir leaves".

2. Thus kaffir leaves + the Kaffir lime+ assorted flowers.

3. Good for "curing negative qi" locally in South-East Asia thou. For "far away" places like US, frankly got to "cross-fingers".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Cecil in the flying stars chart.... I have the followingt

My Front door is as follows: 248 Degree West

3 8 7
1 6 2
5 4 9

What do I need to do? There is 3 and 7... how do I counter this? Can I put Salt water cure on both sides on the 3 and 7 and what can I do to activate the 8 on the front door? Thanks Cecil

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That is surely cute way to do this...... wonder what will they think of next *)


Flush away bad karma at temple in Japan

OTA CITY (JAPAN): Tired of an unsatisfying relationship, the sluggish economy or just your own bad habits? Now you really can flush it all down the toilet.

The Mantokuji temple in Japan's central Gumma prefecture was once an asylum for women who wanted to cut ties with their husbands, a funtion now made obsolete by modern divorce laws and family courts.

Not the temple is a museum chronciling the history of divorce as well as a place to help people get rid of any bad karma, via a piece of paper they drop into laterines.

Vistors have two options: the white squat toilet for the "enkirir" or cutting ties, or teh black one for the "enusubi", or tightening ties.

"I severed the bind with obesity," said tea ceremony instructor Shizue Kurokawa, 69, after flushing her "enkiri" tag in the white laterine. "I'm getting fat and it's not healthy. From now on, I'd like to lose weight, be in fine form and take care of my health."

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Extract of the above article converted using OCR:-


Flush away bad karma at temple in Japan

Tired of an un-satisfying relationship, the sluggish economy or just your, own bad habits? Now you really can. flush it all down the toilet.

The Mantokuji temple in Japan’s central Gumma, prefecture was once an asylum for. women who wanted.to cut ties with their husbands, a function now. made obsolete by modern divorce laws , and family courts.

Now the. temple is a museum chronicling the history of diverge . as well as a place to help people get rid-of anyvba:d karma, via a piece of papier they drop into latrines.

Vistors have two options: the white squat toilet for the "enkiri" or cutting ties, or. the black one for. the “enmusubi”, or tightening ties.

"I severed the bind with obesity,” said tea ceremony instructor Shizue Kurokawa, 69, after flushing net “enkiri” tag in the white latrine.

‘I’m getting fat and it’s not healthy. From now on, I’d like to lose weight, be in fine form and take care of' my health.” .

Temple officials said most, visitors still come with the purpose of breaking up with, their partners, but most, do so very discreetly, .

“I work for a business company arid, things, are not going well.  What’s moref  deflation is a problem everywhere in Japan,” said 74-year-old Kiyo Suzuki, an employee at a steel production, company. “So my prayer i is that things. may recover for all of its.”

Temple museum director Tadashi Takagi said that with spirits and gods believed, to inhabit practically everything in Japan, toilets are no different.

But ever, since the symbolic latrines..... were installed, accidents, have happened.

“When this museum was realised, at first there were people who took it for a real loo and actually used it. But since we put a sign indicating that the toilets are for praying, almost nobody makes that mis take: any more,” he said.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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