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Dear Master Lee

fficeffice" />

I have had a flying stars analysis done through Geomancy.net. I want to ask the following questions.

1) As someone who has done many flying star analysis. In period 8 which is the most auspicious facing direction for a house? I am kua number 7, so my good directions are ffice:smarttags" />North West, West, South West and North East.

In period 8, the base star #2 is in the NE and #5 is in the SW. But base star #1 is in the West and star #9 is in the NW.

2) What is meant by a distant mountain near water cure? This is shown in my report.

3) My ideal career is from the fire group. I notice that housewife is listed there. Why is this I am not familiar with life in ancient China but I imagine housewives worked on farms and sold produce for money and became wealthy. In Europe it is difficult for a housewife to be wealthy unless they do gambling or the lottery.

Best Wishes.

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Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee

src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

2) What is meant by a distant mountain near water cure? This is shown in my report.

The Flying Star formation at that sector should have water close-by e.g. a water position at that direction(usually a water feature)and distant mountain refers to actual mountain or can be another building a distance awayto enhance this structure (the building) to activate wealth.

Anonymous wrote:

1) As someone who has done many flying star analysis. In period 8 which is the most auspicious facing direction for a house? I am kua number 7, so my good directions are src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice:smarttags" />North West, West, South West and North East.

In GENERAL, I had mentioned, numerious times in past forum messages that - for wealth wise; Period 8 favours NE, SW, (excluding health) and South directions as the Top choice.

Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee

3) My ideal career is from the fire group. I notice that housewife is listed there. Why is this I am not familiar with life in ancient China but I imagine housewives worked on farms and sold produce for money and became wealthy. In Europe it is difficult for a housewife to be wealthy unless they do gambling or the lottery.

For ancient China, there are also a large percentage of women that "take care" of the household. For example, what you had mentioned is only the poor or the lowest class Chinese.

For middle class Chinese; they would supervise a household of servants to do all the various jobs. And they the Chinese women are the "glue" that holds the entire household.

In China, again in the past; the middle class to upper class ladies bound their feet.. and literally, many do supervisory work.

In modern times, in Singapore, the middle-class ladies also stay home to "look after their children". Many have a maid to do all the household chores. And only chores that demand more skills; these ladies would perform. For example, many of such housewifes would sent their child or children to school and fetch them back after school = chaffeur

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee

src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

2) What is meant by a distant mountain near water cure? This is shown in my report.

These are the common lists of "Mountain and/or Water Star" Formations:-

On Mountain On Water Formation - Water Star is found in the front of the house, while Mountain Star is found at the back of the house. It is desirable to have water in the front and mountain to support the house.

Up Mountain Down Water Formation - Mountain Star is found in the front of the house, while Water Star is found at the back of the house. This is deemed inauspicious unless there is water at the back and mountain in front to reinforce this formation.

Double Star in Front Formation - This formation should have near water and distant mountain to enhance this structure to activate wealth.

Double Star Behind Formation - Requires the necessary near mountain and distant water to enhance this sector to active wealth.

Diagonal Star Robbery Formation - Very Auspicious Combination where occupants will enjoy good health, wealth and prosperity for such a house.

Combination of 10 Water Star Formation - Combination of 10 in this sector makes this sector auspicious.

Combination of 10 Mountain Star Formation - Combination of 10 in this sector makes this sector auspicious.

Reference: Group Analysis chart - Top most -

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Lee

fficeffice" />

Thank for your reply. I understand now.

I am in a position to buy a new house and I can pick the direction it faces. The land developer has many plot available to sell.

Is NW2 and NW3 a good direction in period 8? As the water star at the front of the house will be 8 and the mountain star at the back will be 8.

The facing I think is good for NW2 and NW3 as it has MS 6 BS 9 and WS8.

NW direction is good for as I am kua number 7.

Obviously we would have to look at the whole house and not one sector. As is the case with SW1 wealth is good but health is bad.

You have a very good website here I have learnt a lot since joining.

Best Wishes to you all.

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1. In my opinion, you may have missed out a fundamental or critical "success factor" in the quest for a "Perfect or near perfect or excellent home":-

1.1 Reference: http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/Want_to_build_your_dream_home%3F

Under Para b. Usually there are three exit points of drainage that will bring good luck to a home. And he/she should advise you on each of the exit points and even how the water / drainage show flow e.g. left to right or right to left - out of the plot of land.

2. For example:-

2.1 Landed Property Water/Drain Exit Point

    Flying Star facing Direction:(One of the facing directions: not for NW2 or NW3)

    Default Water Direction: Left to Right

      1st Exit Point (Wealth)
    • Between 7.5 to 37.4 Degree
    • Water Flow Direction: Depends on Layout

      2nd Exit Point (Wealth)

      • Between 277.5 to 292.4 Degree
      • Water Flow Direction: Left to Right

      3rd Exit Point (Power and Authority)

      • Between 157.5 to 172.4 Degree
      • Water Flow Direction: Right to Left

2.2 Thus, even if one believes that they have a good facing direction for a home e.g. NW2 and NW3; however; if the drainage from the property is not at either "Wealth" or Power and Authority"; then might as well don't chose such a facing direction.

2.3. For example, those who want to achieve great Wealth in the hypoteical example, above, would make sure that the drainage of rain water out of the home follows 1st or 2nd Exit Point.

2.4. For those who have the ambition to achieve "Recognition" e.g. for those in politics want to achieve high office and/or want to rise to very high postions in their work place... would try to chose the 3rd Exit point for Power and Authority.

3. Frankly, there are other considerations; not just the simplistic notion that chosing a wonderful house e.g. facing such and such a direction will be sufficient etc...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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