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Altar table setting


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Appended by Cecil: I am unable to open the attachment. Best to sent in .jpg or .gif format but not too large a file. The .pdf seems "damaged"

Hi Master,

I just bought the new house with my sister. I need an advice for place that altar table to ber set up. Attach is my floor plan that i intent to put my altar table at (B) place but i i saw the acticle said that the altar table shouln't sharing wall with bed room coz it will effect the relationship for single ppl who are sleeping in that room.

I very afraid for that coz 3 ppls sleeping in is our sibling which all still single, kindly advice wat should i do to advice it or else i need to put my altar table at (A) place but it is open space.

Hopefully you can help to advice.

Many many thanks!!



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These are some of the considerations:

1. If the altar is at location Marked B; then check if it is feasible or not to move the single bed futher away. But do avoid placing it as shown in the illustration if a stove is on the opposite wall of the bed-head.

2. There is no issue even if there is a wardrope sharing the same wall with the altar marked B.

3. Between altar at Marking A or B; altar at B is a better choice than A.

4. Usually I believe you may be placing your TV / hifi console along marking C. As a last resort; the altar may be placed along marking C so long as it is a distance away from say a tv or hifi set. For example, it could be placed at the corner along Marking C closer to the window area.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Serene K. wrote:
If my Bed is putting exactly same as the plan and my stove is putting as your mark as ''X''. Is it not good? Why? any solution?

Yes, I suspected that your stove would have been at that location as 65 percent of such layout plans do place the stove at that position.

This is under symbolism in Feng Shui; where it is considered inauspicious to have stove = fire element sharing the same wall as your bed-head. For some, they have a "thick" bed-head with a shelf behind their bed to place the alarm clock etc... this is one solution. The other is to move the bed-frame two inches away from the wall shared directly with the wall of the stove. The main concern is that of "health symbolic or having e.g. headache" - kind of thing.

Some other solutions include using induction type of stove but these are modern "creative" thinking as in reality it is still some type of stove.

These two are the most common "solutions" to the issue unless; the altar is placed elsewhere. Then your bed can still remain status quo.

Please see attachment for illustration of the cabinet cum bed-head area

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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