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Dear cecil,

I'm a strong yangmetal monkey, however the weakest element in my five element is fire. I was told by some that i should find a jobstrong infire element to make up for the lack of it. However some told me that I should avoid a job strong in fire element as fire clashes with metal. Please advice which is true. Many Thanks!



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1. You have to ascertain what is your ba zi element and strength. The free link can confirm whether you are a strong or weak metal person.


2. In the attached, sample report: Sample Male Ba Zi Summary.pdf ; at the bottom of Page 2 of 11; there is a breakdown of this sample person's Five Elements:

2.1 For example this sample person has: Weak Water = 0 percent; Strong Wood 29 percent; Strong Fire = 47 percent; Extremely weak earth = 11 percent; Weakest metal = 11 percent.

Usually, for many Chinese, when they are born, their parents or grand parents may have consulted a geomancer on a name to balance this person's either lack of or weak elements.

2.2. However, some Geomancers, use this information as the basis of figuring out whether a person should go into this or that career.

3. However, this is not the most popular method. As I had mentioned, usually, this areashould have been traditionally consideredwhen namingthe person.

4. Under the traditional Ba zi element; in your case; you may either be a weak or strong metal person; depending on things like House of Lifeas one of the fields of the ba zi.


The career/business

ie. a Job/Business favourable for a STRONG METAL personare:-


Water - Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc

Fire - Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc

Wood - Engineering, Filming, Hospital, etc


Earth - Customer Relations, Constructions, Games, etc

Metal - Accountancy, Banking, Investment, etc

Here is a reference link to the different five element and careers/business:-



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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