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Dear Master Lee,
I am glad I found this forum.

I have a question on poison arrow. I bought a semi detached house and I found out there are 2 small triangle sharp angle from opposite houses pointing directly to my main door.


Please click the link below for the pictures of the opposite house.


Appreciat e if Master can identify whether this is a poison arrow or otherwise.

Th anks in advance.


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1. Please note that tit-for-tat poison arrow such as in this recent forum posting is not a poison arrow:-


2. In your picture, markings in RED 'A' & 'B' are considered as poison arrows BUT if they are as mentioned, above: tit-for-tat, then no issue.

3.Markings in YELLOW 'C' and 'D' really looks like poison arrows but they are gentle sloping roofs and not considered as a poison arrow. However, some Geomancers may interpret wrongly or extremely cautious and they will say these are poison arrows.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you Master Lee
for your prompt
The picture
was taken exactly from
the centre of my main
door. So it is a poison
other picture is taken
exactly from the
centre of th
window of the master

Is it
advisable to try to
cancel the purchase?

iv>Thanks again
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1. Poison arrows from a neighbour's home is very common. And there are cures such as landscape is one consideration.

Yoke Min L. wrote:

The other picture is taken exactly from the centre of th window of the master bedroom.

2. For the master bedroom window, as mentioned under Para 1, landscape or plants or the concept if it cannot be seen it no longer becomes a threat. Thus you can simply install a day curtain in the master bedroom etc....

3. The last resort is hang a "heavy weighted wind chime / wind chime clinger" so that it does not make any sound.

4. Frankly, it is diffcult to have a perfect home.

5. There are so many concepts behind Feng Shui and with such unknowns; what happens if the "next" house one purchased is worse off than this home?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you again to

As for master bedroom,
I can install a
curtain. What about the
main door?

Can I erect
the car porch cover a
bit longer until I
can't see the poison
arrow from the main

iv>As for plant, do I
need a tall plant to
totally blocking the
view of the poison

iv>Appreciate your
advice. Thank you in



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1. Frankly, in my opinion, if you are discussing about a SINGLE threat e.g. the pointed roof shown as in red marking "A" ONLY.

2. If this is the only SINGLE threat; it can only threaten one location. For exxample, if your master bedroom is in the direct path of this poison arrow, then it is a threat to the bedroom. It should not be a threat to both the living room main door and the bedroom - especially if the main door is away. Unless you have another threat in red marking "B".

3. A single poison arrow is not like those COLD WAR days where the US and Russia has multiple war-heads to a missle. For example, for poison arrow "A"; it cannot simply invent itself and shoot four or five different arrow heads to an intended location.

4. Futhermore, if your home is as I had previously mentioned tit-for-tat situation; then it cancels itself out.

5. Logically, there is such a thing as DAY curtain and NIGHT curtain. Some homes have BOTH curtains in one place.

6. You talk really about doom and gloom just because of neighbour's poison arrow. There are worse off senarios in Feng Shui. Even towards the main door if it is REAL or imagined, there are cures for it.

7. This is a Monday.. and lets not have Monday blues.. for some.

8. I suspect that you may have over exaggerated the problem : if you are saying that ONE poison arrow e.g. A can split it's poison arrow into several points.. Again unless you are talking about TWO poison arrows A and B.

9. If you are mentioning that anywhere in your home you can see the poison arrow A, and assume that all openings are affected by it... hmm..... Please refer to the multiple war-head - senairo. Your neighbours roof is not so advanced like the US or Russia's ICM to create multiple heads...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks again to Master
Lee for the

Yes, I am
referring to the poison
arrow marked 'A"
It is
at the same height as
the master bedroom. It
is pointing directly at
the master bedroom
window. Good to hear it
can be cured by day
curtain. It is also
good to hear it is not
affecting my main

The shape of my
house and the house at
the opposite is
different, therefore
the poison arrow is not
cancelling each other,
if my understanding is

I will
install the day
v>Thanks again. you are
very helpful.

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Yes, if you are talking about just one poison arrrow marking in red "A"; see latest attachment:

The poison arrow runs in a straight line from marking in RED "A" to and along line "AA".

There is no such thing as I mentioned a single poison arrow reacting like the ICBMs (inter-continental ballastic missles - multiple warheads).

In this same attachment. If the poision arrow is "B" ; it runs along line "BB".

Anyview from sideways cannot be construed as a poison arrow in this case from a 2Dimensional face of your neighbour's building.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Maybe my explanation
is not good. My house
is double storey. My
master bedroom is at

I think A
and B also point to my
master bedroom. My main
door is ofcourse at
downstairs and it is
not affected as what I
understand from your



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1. Frankly, poison arrow is not rocket science. Or a subject that needs so many threads.

2. As I mentioned in my most recent posting:-

2.1. The poison arrow runs from "A" to "AA" in the attachment.

2.2. Another poison arrow runs from "B" to "BB" also in this attachment.

3. You are at the ground, and if you can imagine what I had mentioend under Para 2.1. and or 2.2; you should make your own judgement as to whether it is a poison arrow or ARROWS.

4. We are not we can't tell from your photo.

5. Again, I must emphasie that it is A to AA; B to BB and nothing else. I mentioned this is not rocket science. And not the "death ray kind of thing.".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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