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1. In my many encounters with various clients: parents with young children and parents with teenagers:-

1.1. In this attachment; see how teenagers and young children view their world especially that of their home.

1.2. For example; young children are very innocent and think differently from us adults and teenagers. In this attachment; there are quite alot of children be it timid or love their parents madly (who does not!): If they were given their say; some would position their bed-heads close to the bedroom door: so that they can be 'as close" to their parents as possible.

1.3. If can no longer sleep with you; they want to phsycially sleep with their heads and eyes as close to your door as possible. How sweet rite? Go hug that lovely child.. when they are still young!

2. For teenagers and us adults; we prefer our bed-head position to be as "private" as possible i.e. away from the bedroom door!

3. Oops! There are some grand mothers or single parent who likes to sleep "child" like... go think about this senario? Are they big babies? hmm...

4. There was once, this family lives in a landed property: three storeys high. The parents wanted the best for their children. So, the parents wanted their only son to occupy the third storey biggest master bedroom. While the parents occupy the 2nd master bedroom on 2nd storey and their daughter in the next room at 2nd storey.

4.1. Here, the son innocently asked his parents: You don't want me any more? That is why you "throw me" out to live on my own on the 3rd storey?

5. Next time, when you plan the bedroom for your child, spare a thought for them: the toddlers / young children do think differently from us adults and teenagers!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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