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Dear Master Lee

fficeffice" />

How does one go about changing the period of the house?

1) Some geomancers say you should change the whole roof. Now do you need to change the tiles only? The tiles and the wooden beams?

2) Other geomancers say that as well as changing the roof you need to change the front door and the flooring.

3) One person said to me that if you paint the ceiling this is equivalent to changing the roof and changes the period of the house.

Option 1 and 2 are expensive. Option 3 is cheap.

Now if I go for option 3 for a two storey house. Will I need to move out of the house whilst the ceiling was painted? Or can I stay in the house but live on the ground floor?

Best Wishes

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Thank you for your reply Master Lee.

fficeffice" />

For option 1 I would like to replace the whole roof of the house with new tiles. Do I need to by mindful of the Grand Duke as to not disturb him?

The roof covers the whole area of the house and which ever year I change the roof the Grand Duke will always be there.

If I do change the roof in the area of by the Grand Duke what can I do to minimise the impact?

Please advise.

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