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Dear Master Cecil,

I hope you can also advise me on the following.

When looking a house, which is better to indicate the right house for us? Using our kua number or our personal element ?

MyKua is 2 and my hubby is 3.
My Personal Element is Weak Yang Wood and my hubby is Strong Yang Wood.

We just bought a house which is facing North.

I just got to know that it is extremely BAD for me as North ismy DEATH DIRECTION accordingly to my Kua No. 2

But North is water and it is suppose to be good for my weak wood. Which is correct ???

Any solution or advise ?

Thank you again.

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1. This concept is about not re-inventing the wheel.

2. In fact, it has already been used by few not all Geomancers when they take into account: How suitable this house is to the breadwinner.

3. Frankly, it applies more towards:-

3.1. Someone building a home from scratch such as which is the better facing direction.

3.2 As mentioned not all Geomancers bother to analyse a house based on three factors:-

a. Analyses the Various Stars, Combinations;
b. suitability with house &
c. ba zi suitability.

4. There are limitations to such an analysis. As it is originally meant to guide someone as to which home (apartment) is better than the other and rank them for consideration when house hunting.

5. For example, Geomancy.net is one of the few which pro-actively helps clients during house hunting with such tools. Please see attachment.

5.1 The attached sample reports shows the full integration of the Gua (Kua) analysis with the Personal Element (Ba Zi) Feng Shui.

6. Once you have bought the home; then logically why bang your head against the wall trying to figure out how to solve the dilema of reconciling Gua (Kua) with Personal Element of the Ba zi.

7. Like they say, what is past is past. Commonsense and cow-sense dictates that one has to find other sensible means of boosting luck ..

8. Here, based on ba zi, North facing home isa plus point for a weak wood person. For things like it is your death direction; then one has to understand what the Gua system is about or if there are cures - if any e.g. * The Three-Step-Approach

9. Other than that other key successfactors in boosting one's luck is based on other concepts like:-

* Fix-the-Leak, First!
* The Concept of Maximizing Marks
* The Concept of Feng Shui by Exception
* The Customer Engineer Concept
* The Three-Step-Approach

10. Some other "advanced" matters:

In the more advanced concept of house hunting; amongst the highest level Feng Shui masters that does use Ba Zi (Personal Element):-

If someone uses both Gua (Kua) and Ba Zi "Feng Shui"; usually Ba Zi Feng Shui comes first and Gua comes 2nd. Which is your situation, good: Ba Zi Personal Element good while the Gua (Kua) comes 2nd.

The rationale why Ba Zi comes first; is based on the reasoning that it uses more inputs: Day, Month, Year and Time of Birth thus considered "more personalised" information. Where-else, the Gua (or Kua) is based on fewer inputs. This is thus put-forth as in theorytherefore: Ba Zi first, Gua second.

11. Why then is Gua (Kua) seems more popular than Ba Zi Feng Shui?

11.1 Simply, it is a no brainer with Gua (Kua) as few would ever get your Gua (Kua) calculated wrongly.

11.2 For Ba Zi : Personal Elements: if you go to 10 different sites and if they offer calculations to determine the Gua (kua) 8 out of 10 sites will calculate it wrongly.

11.3 In fact, just a few years ago, someone calculated her Personal Element on this website and went to a lady author's site to calculate her personal element. She got two different results. And later on, when she went back to that lady's site to check again; the result was similar to Geomancy.net.

11.4 Thus, beware that not all Ba Zi - Personal Element calculations on every tom-dick and harry site are identical. In fact, there is a higher chance of getting such info wrong. Thus, it could explain why it is no brainer that Gua is still more popular. To some, at this Gua is confirmed while personal element may be a question mark or too diffcult to calculate.

12. As mentioned earlier, the attachment shows how Gua (Kua) and Personal Element is combined into one "Finding a Good House" report.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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