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Hi Cecil
I have two questions:-
One: In a previous posting, the self-punishment symbols Wu and Chen were mentioned as examples. Should self-punishment symbols occur in a chart, does it mean one is helpless to prevent "bad/unfortunate" events, or can one exercise some control over the situation or diminish the extent of how badly the event will affect our lives?
Secondly: The philosophy of the five elements is all about balance. So if you are a weak element and there is an element in your chart that is missing, what takes precedence, to introduce the missing element into your life to create balance? Or to strengthen your weak element by that which strengthens it? What if the element that is missing and the element that strengthens clashes?
Hope you can understand my question.
Kind regards
Toni Pedro

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Dear Toni,
Please read below:-

On 11/6/99 10:16:48 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil
I have two questions:-
One: In a previous posting,
the self-punishment symbols Wu
and Chen were mentioned as
examples. Should
self-punishment symbols occur
in a chart, does it mean one
is helpless to prevent
"bad/unfortunate" events, or
can one exercise some control
over the situation or diminish
the extent of how badly the
event will affect our lives?

It depends on where it is located.
If located in the Eight Character of Birth, there is very little one can do to change much. It would mean that a person is lightly to be in such a situation where he wants to do something but somehow or rather it backfires or is not very successful.
If occurs in the year, that means that for that year he or she is likely to face difficulties. However, this lasts only for the duration of the year.
This is a brief explanation. The extend depends upon whether to that person this particular Wu or Chen is beneficial to them or not.
All Clashes, Harms, Punishments etc have good and bad clashes, Harms, Punishment. So so long as they are good clashes, you need not worry much, but if they are bad clashes which worsen the situation than you have you be careful, but countering the element involved to reduce the influence.

Secondly: The philosophy of
the five elements is all about
balance. So if you are a weak
element and there is an
element in your chart that is
missing, what takes
precedence, to introduce the
missing element into your
life to create balance? Or to
strengthen your weak element
by that which strengthens it?
What if the element that is
missing and the element that
strengthens clashes?

Yes, if there are missing elements, you must compensate for it especially if it represents your main chart. This is because if you are unbalanced, you are likely to face problems.
Everything has to be in moderation. It does not mean that if say a weak wood, person cannot have metal. Metal also forms a certain portion of the ten-deities which represents at least two different aspect.
What is important is total balance. The key analysis usually is done to determine firstly if you are weak or strong. Then next comes if your elements are balanced or unbalance.
Hope that answers your question.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Hope you can understand my
Kind regards
Toni Pedro

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