myfs_144625 Posted April 13, 2010 Share Posted April 13, 2010 HiI am a new user here and i have read several remedies regarding the cure for bed room door facing toilet door. Most of them suggested closing of both doors, installing of curtains, placing of plants, etc.Though these maybe be simple procedures, i am sharing the apartment and i am not entitled to install curtains or redecorating the toilet. And the closing of doors requires cooperation since the toilet is shared. Wondering will the closing of just the bedroom door helps?I have read that by placing coins above toilet doors, however i am not very sure of this procedure could you please enlighten me on this.Ithank you for your great helpRegards Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted April 13, 2010 These are some of the considerations:1. Majority of the time, toilet is considered as a depository of sorts: we deposit our waste (or chocolate) and when we bathe.2. Each time we flush the toilet especially if we cover the lid; micro-droplets will fly thru the air.3. Many years ago, while driving along a highway; there was this radio episode where this fella was invited to talk all things toilet. He said that where-ever we place our toothbrush in a toilet; we cannot get away with some type of germ deposited on it.4. So this wise-guy; said: we must regulary go buy his dis-infection tablet. These tablets are similar to those for dis-infecting dentures! 5. Many of us throughout all our lives have never ever dis-infected our tooth-brush ever! To normal healthy persons; such germs will not kill us nor give us stomach ache. Most of us have some form of resistence over common germs.6. Take the case of babies. In the past, in Singapore and many other countries, when a baby drops their soothing teet; they simply pick it up and put it into their mouths. 7. Nowadays, we often see parents immediately safe-keep it and later make sure that such items are thoroughly disinfected or washed.8. Is it better to put up or down the toilet seat cover. In many instances, it is better to put up the toilet seat and not fully cover the toilet seat. Especially so, if we flush when the seat is closed. Often, because of the pressure within the toilet bowl area; micro droplets would even fly further out.9. From a commonsense point of view: What is so wrong with the toilet door facing one's bedroom? Does it mean or imply doom to the person sleeping in a room facing the toilet door? No right?10. Placing a screen or even those Japanese type of 1/3 height cloth material can also be even worse-off. Especially if we do not wash it often. 11. Just imagine, lots of germs are attached to the surface of such cloth. And when we walk in and out of the toilet; we are actually "pasting" such germs onto our face! Oh My GOD! Leave that toilet door alone! 12. The statistics shows that we are more likely to be killed in a car accident; then in an air-plane. And far less or near to impossible to be killed by germs in a toilet!13. Studies had even been done where swipes were taken from the toilet seat. And more likely your office work-desk and even your PC keyboard and mouse have more germs than the toilet seat! Peanuts my friend.. toilet Feng Shui is peanuts.. and lets not go to the dogs for it.Anonymous wrote:Hi?CI am a new user here and i have read several remedies regarding the cure for bed room door facing toilet door. Most of them suggested closing of both doors, installing of curtains, placing of plants, etc.Though these maybe be simple procedures, i am sharing the apartment and i am not entitled to install curtains or redecorating the toilet. And the closing of doors requires cooperation since the toilet is shared. Wondering will the closing of just the bedroom door helps?I have read that by placing coins above toilet doors, however i am not very sure of this procedure could you please enlighten me on this.?@I?@thank you for your great helpRegards Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted April 13, 2010 1. Further to what I had mentioned; toilet Feng Shui for an apartment or a stack of flats is less complicated than for a landed property.2. This is especially so; if the landed property development has more than one level: e.g. two or three levels.3. When we develop or help to develop a landed property, we have to always bear in mind which sectors are better off for the toilet(s). And more importantly, we have to remind ourselves to "superimpose" say level 2 (storey 2's) layout onto the ground floor and vice versa. 4. Here, we are looking out especially whether the toilet / toilet bowl is above a bedroom / bed or even the stove / living room / dining room / altar position.5. For 99.99 percent of all apartments within a specific stack; the toilets are often one-up or down on each other. Never spilling into another room or walkway. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_144625 Posted April 14, 2010 Share Posted April 14, 2010 Hi Master,Thank you for reply, guess then i shall not do anything about it.Regards Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 12, 2010 Staff Share Posted November 12, 2010 Unbelieveable! It has finally happened! The Toothbrush Sanitizer! Quote On 4/13/2010 5:52:12 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some of theconsiderations:1. Majority of the time,toilet is considered as adepository of sorts: wedeposit our waste (orchocolate) and when we bathe.2. Each time we flush thetoilet especially if we coverthe lid; micro-droplets willfly thru the air.3. Many years ago, whiledriving along a highway; therewas this radio episode wherethis fella was invited to talkall things toilet. He saidthat where-ever we place ourtoothbrush in a toilet; wecannot get away with some typeof germ deposited on it.4. So this wise-guy; said: wemust regulary go buy hisdis-infection tablet. Thesetablets are similar to thosefor dis-infecting dentures!5. Many of us throughout allour lives have never everdis-infected our tooth-brushever! To normal healthypersons; such germs will notkill us nor give us stomachache. Most of us have someform of resistence over commongerms.6. Take the case of babies. Inthe past, in Singapore andmany other countries, when ababy drops their soothingteet; they simply pick it upand put it into their mouths.7. Nowadays, we often seeparents immediately safe-keepit and later make sure thatsuch items are thoroughlydisinfected or washed.8. Is it better to put up ordown the toilet seat cover. Inmany instances, it is betterto put up the toilet seat andnot fully cover the toiletseat. Especially so, if weflush when the seat is closed.Often, because of the pressurewithin the toilet bowl area;micro droplets would even flyfurther out.9. From a commonsense point ofview: What is so wrong withthe toilet door facing one'sbedroom? Does it mean or implydoom to the person sleeping ina room facing the toilet door?No right?10. Placing a screen or eventhose Japanese type of 1/3height cloth material can alsobe even worse-off. Especiallyif we do not wash it often.11. Just imagine, lots ofgerms are attached to thesurface of such cloth. Andwhen we walk in and out of thetoilet; we are actually"pasting" such germs onto ourface! Oh My GOD! Leave thattoilet door alone!12. The statistics shows thatwe are more likely to bekilled in a car accident; thenin an air-plane. And far lessor near to impossible to bekilled by germs in a toilet!13. Studies had even been donewhere swipes were taken fromthe toilet seat. And morelikely your office work-deskand even your PC keyboard andmouse have more germs than thetoilet seat! Peanuts myfriend.. toilet Feng Shui ispeanuts.. and lets not go tothe dogs for it.Anonymous wrote:Hi?CI am a new user hereand i have read several remediesregarding the cure for bed room doorfacing toilet door. Most of themsuggested closing of both doors,installing of curtains, placing ofplants, etc.Though these maybe be simpleprocedures, i am sharing the apartmentand i am not entitled to installcurtains or redecorating the toilet. Andthe closing of doors requirescooperation since the toilet is shared.Wondering will the closing of just thebedroom door helps?I have read that byplacing coins above toilet doors,however i am not very sure of thisprocedure could you please enlighten meon this.?@I?@thank you for your greathelpRegards Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 23, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 23, 2024 Get Expert Help from Master Cecil Lee for your Altar Placement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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