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Dear Mr Lee, I am new here and have your articles with interest; particularly the ones on Poison Arrow. I have also attached a picture of a roof edge of a walkway which seem tobe directing at my room window. Would appreciate your comment on this observation, what implications if it is a poison arrow and how can I circumvent it. Many thanks in advance

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These are some of the considerations:-

1. Please refer to attachment: poison arrow1.jpg and poison arrow2.jpg. At least if a home or apartment is "attacked" by a poison arrow from another building's triangle roof; one should normally see a real triangle. Much like the two attached photos.

2. Frankly, your photo is still not the best photo as the shot seems to be taken at an angle much like under this illustration: Not Poison1.gif

3. Thus if one does not see a "full triangle" = poison arrow; likelyhood it is not a poison arrow as it does not aim DIRECTLY into your window.

4. Thus, yours is more likely known as a "pseudo" poison arrow... than anything else. The best cure for this situation? "Perhaps, one might like or consider swallowing a sugar coated (sweet) as some sort of a cure aka pill e.g. Perfetti - Van Melle Candymentos.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Unlike most probably your "pseudo" poison arrow; if you look carefully, in the attached picture, it shows a classic poison arrow aimed towards the windows marked in "red circle".

This picture was taken at the lift lobby of the recent completed3 @ Sandilands small condo :-


Fortunately this side of the triangle roof of the landed property was aimed at 3 @ Sandilands lift lobby (no big deal). However, at the other end as circled in RED, it is aimed at one of the windows of a unit at Breezy Mansion.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks Master Lee for your prompt reply. I wish to clarify further - "Does it mean that as long as the edge of a roof is not directing towards the windows at eye level is not considered a poison arrow?" Thank you for your patience, Rgds Stacy
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