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Dear Master Lee

Once all is consider such as shapes and forms and the amount of sun light the home receives.

Which part of the home determines the luck whether good or bad from a flying stars point of view, for the occupants of the house?

The facing palace or the palace which has the front door?

Best Wishes

fficeffice" />

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1. In many of the recent messages, I had stressed that Shapes and Forms has a critical component: Qi. Here, with much understanding of how qi flows e.g. in a room.

2. The other critical situation is the "Ming Tang" or Bright Hall effect. For example; the frontage or even the main door area if possible should have some clear space. Here, clear space means that there is a likelyhood that qi can "collect" at that position.

3. Your question is very wide and "it depends".

4. The purpose of Flying Star Feng Shui is to see where the most yang Qi is located. And this is most likely the higher chance that qi can move into a home.

5. Here, the common denominator of both the Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and Flying star = QI.

6. There is no right or wrong answers: as to which is more important : Main door qi or most brightest area.

7. What is more important is where the most likelyhood that qi can flow into the majority "facing" of a home.

8. For example, for a landed property, you have the main door and often the living room is in this area and the windows are also most likely at this locale. Thus it makes sense that if qi were to flow IN or OUT of the home; this is the higher chance or "bet".

9. Good Geomancers often stand at a distance say from the home and observe the "home". They are figuring out where likely the owners may frequently have openings in their home.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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