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Hi Cecil


Could you advice me if blk 403
generally has good facing or which block in this estate is the better
block? As at the back of this estate has several temples and not sure
if that is advisable to be staying near temples though read that it is
auspicious if they are at the back of the house but not if they are in
front of the house. Am using blk 403 as a consideration since it is the
furthest away from the power station/ bin center and the temples.
Furthermore, it's front and back are unblocked as block 401 is only 4
storey high so there's qi flowing in and out?

Only thing is that
the main door is not NE facing but more towards NW? Is that ok? The
afternoon sun shines at an angle onto the corridor. If I draw
comparison to your advise on The Gardens at Bishan, you have advised on
blocks 3 and 7; against 1 and 9. Which, looking at block 403, does it
mean it is like block 1?

My gua number is 9, east group, fire element
My husband gua number is 2, west group, earth element

What would you advise on house locations/ facing if we have conflicting directions? My best/good locations are my husband's worst locations. E.g. NW is my Death but is his longevity. Please help to advise if there is any cure we can do to overcome or minimise this unfavourable FS? Thank you.

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These are some considerations on Block 403:-

1. The Block's facing stretches from NW facing to NE facing. And there are even some units that face "Easterly".

2. I assume that the block of flats was built or TOP under Period 7: 1984 to 2003.

3. Period 7, NW facing directions NW1, NW2/3generally today (2004 to 2023) as having small luck as the water wealth under the Period 7 is trapped in the centre.

4. Better units are those facing NE but these units face 406 thus blocked view.

5. Lower floor units of block 403 especially the ones facing the T junction i.e. the road leading from Gardens at Bishan / Bishan condo park etc.. should pay more attention even though it is not at the fringe of the T-junction. More attended needed in this case.

6. If one talks about temple behind the block 403, blocks 401 and 404 are considered even closer to the temple(s). However, if you ask this question, when it is time for one to sell such units even at 403; others may also worry about this point. Thus this is not Feng Shui but future resale value. Plus yearly, the area is notorious for traffic congestion annually.

7. Block 403 Easterly units that are close to Block 404 seems to have some clear space. This is considered better than the North-East block facing units that are parallel to block 406.

8. From a Feng Shui point of view, it is best that any of the units in this development does not face the "spine" of the temple which is the most prominent object in this area.

9. Not considering the type of units; in general based purely on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui HDB-point block 402 seems a better block. Again I am not referring to or care whether it is a 5 or 4/3 room flat. However, half the block faces NW (again not a good facing) and SE (which is equally not so fantastic facing) = a catch 22 situation.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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