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Dear Cecil/Robert,
I would very much appreciate your advices on the following:
1. According to the Flying Star chart of my house, I have 7,7,1 numbers in the sector housing my main door. My main door faces the NE direction. Do I need to do anything to activate the stars 7 and 1 to tap better luck? and what should I do to activate them? (I was born in May 6, 1958 - Kua #6, Weak water, I guess!)
2. I understand that one needs to keep a balance for his house, then by activating these good stars or suppressing the bad stars, would I "upset" other good and bad stars in other sectors of my House, or throw of the balance of my house?
Many thanks in advance
Your sincerely,

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Dear Tam,
Please read below:-

On 11/7/99 8:41:57 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil/Robert,
I would very much appreciate
your advices on the following:
1. According to the Flying
Star chart of my house, I have
7,7,1 numbers in the sector
housing my main door. My main
door faces the NE direction.
Do I need to do anything to
activate the stars 7 and 1 to
tap better luck? and what
should I do to activate them?
(I was born in May 6, 1958 -
Kua #6, Weak water, I guess!)
Since 771 is a good combination, some form of simple moving fountain or water will help to activate it. And since you are a weak water, it will help you also.
2. I understand that one
needs to keep a balance for
his house, then by activating
these good stars or
suppressing the bad stars,
would I "upset" other good and
bad stars in other sectors of
my House, or throw of the
balance of my house?

Most important is to cure problem areas, and leave the rest as it is so as not to complicate the matters.
In Feng Shui, when you try to solve or cure a minor problem, it is as good as trying to enhance a good sector. When all the major problems are solved, you will already enhance your good influences.
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Many thanks in advance
Your sincerely,

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