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IN GENERAL these are the considerations or pairings of roof tile colours and exterior wall finishes:-

1. If possible try to avoid BLUE roof. As under the I-ching, blue represents difficulty andif it is the entire roof, it is like water on-top of you.

2. If blue roof MUSTbe used, then the exterior walls should be white or off-white never cream or beige.

3. If greyroofis used: best choicefor the exterior walls is white in colour. Grey exterior walls, so so. IF grey roof is used must avoid cream or beige coloured walls.

4. Under currentFeng Shui period, the best colours are earth tone(cream or beige) colours especially for exterior walls. Thus if green roof is used; cream or beige or peachy colours are acceptable.

5. WHITE roofs is a no no as it represents "death or mourning."

6. Common traditional colours are orange or maroon. If so, any exterior wall colours are fine. For example, if such coloured roofs are used: exterior wall colours can range from white to off-white to cream or beige, to red brick tile colours etc.. etc....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 6 years later...
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18 hours ago, Guest Joslyn said:

If you have a blue roof,  how do you fix it?  is repainting the only option?

Repainting is the only option.

Hopefully, the home does not have three or more major "leaks" = imbalances. If so, it can still sustain such a "hit".  

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 months later...
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Seldom see black roofs unless it was the water tank. Such as in The Quinn condo.

Are you referring instead to grey roofs? 

Common sense has it that black absorbs heat.

Unless perhaps in a war-zone to make the home less of a target at night?



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Guest Yas

It's this color :


and it's A shape of the roof, like triangle.

It's not war zone.
Also, it is not very hot here, except 2 months of summer. Most of the time I'm trying to make the house warmer.

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OIC! I forgot! You are most like "up there" in the Northern hemisphere.... (or down-under)

Cold country..

Generally, the external walls can be white or light cream are equally acceptable.

Common sense says greying combined with black looks gloomy...thus avoid dull Colours...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 6 months later...

My front door faces east and back door is west. My front door and shutters are dark forest green, I am thinking of Installing  a green roof. Is that good for my house? Currently have grey roof.

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In Asia, green roof was common especially for places of worship.

In the 1970’s some homes use green roof tiles. But the most common today is the traditional clay or orange coloured tiles.

Well green is in my opinion still an okay colour.. under your description, above.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 months later...

I'm brand new to feng shui; I'm moving into a red brick home, front door facing east, with a black shingled asphalt roof. My #1 question, that I can't seem to find an answer to is this:

Does feng shui allow painting a brick exterior home? Thank you in advance.



Edited by Unkle
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1 hour ago, Vince3376 said:

Hi Cecil! I was advised to change the color of my roof for the same reason that you stated because currently it is blue. I was  born on March 3, 1976. Can you kindly suggest a roof color that would be favorable for me pls. Thank you in advance!  

No need for a person's birth date for roof-tile selection.

A photo tells a thousand words!

In I-ching water (blue) above one’s head implies difficulties.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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