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Dear Master Lee:

Under Flying star Period 8, which is the better sector for placing the main door- S1 with M9 W7 B3 or SW(indirect spirit)with M7 W9 B5?

Appreciate your advice on the intricacies of interpreting the above scenario. Thank you.

Warm Regards.

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These are some considerations:-

1. Having the main door at either is like "the devil and the deep blue sea" or catch 22 senario.

Anonymous wrote:

Under Flying star Period 8, which is the better sector for placing the main door- S1 with M9 W7 B3 or SW(indirect spirit)with M7 W9 B5?

2. If given no choice or if was told "You have a gun placed on your head: tell me which is better"; then

3. I would RELUCANTLY choose S1with M9 W7 B3 instead of SW. The rationale?

3.1. It is safer to choose S1 given that it has "slightly" lesser "tantrum" stars now: #7 and #3. While SW is worse-off with thefive yellow#5 which in my opinion, may cause more problems when compared to S1 sector even after taking into consideration the indirect-water wealth spirit.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Many thanks Master Lee.

This is exactly the situation I'm facing. I was hoping to place my main door at SW as it is better architecture-wise and thought the indirect spirit can compensate. But it looks like the stars have spoken.

Thank you once again for your verdict.

Warm Regards.

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Cecil L. wrote:
Under Flying star Period 8, which is the
better sector for placing the main door- S1 with M9 W7 B3 or
SW(indirect spirit)with M7 W9 B5?


What about the school of thought that states that for the main door which is "yang" in nature , we look at water star 9 which is favourable as it is a future prosperity star (in period 9). We can also remedy the mountain star 7 by placing some blue objects. Right master?


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Thanks! What you had mentioned has been seriously considered.

These are further considerations:-

1. Period 9 is still sometime away i.e. approximately close to 12 or more years to go. That is a decade or 10 years. Anything can happen, prior to this 10 years.

2. It is not like Period 9, is on the way (akan datang) sort of thing.

3. A further analysis, based on the Five Elements concept:-

3.1 S1 with M9 W7 B3; here Mountain Star #9 can help to balance or neutralise Palace Base #3. While W#7 ain't perfect but at least itis a weak metal element.

3.2.SWwith M7 W9 B5: Here, Water Star #9 (fire element) fuels or inflames Base #5 (Strong earth element).

3.3. Flying Star does not live in isolation. The term "timely" stars is critical. Timely simply means time dimension. Thus, what happens if a yearly and/or monthly and/or weekly and/or daily #5 flys into S1 or SW?

4. Which sector is better prepared to handle this #5 or mulitples of #5 and/or #2 and or #9?


What about the school of thought that states that for the main door which is "yang" in nature , we look at water star 9 which is favourable as it is a future prosperity star (in period 9). We can also remedy the mountain star 7 by placing some blue objects. Right master?


5. What is missing inwhat you mention is like the hot or cold continuum:- When something bad occurs, it will occur with greater "ferocity" or "calamity" at SW than S1.

6. Please see attachment. S1 can better buffer from "misfortune or calamity" or extremes in problems.

7. While if really bad stars like #5 and/or #2 and coincidentally #9 flies in during Period 8; the problem can outweigh those that may occur under S1. Here, SW's issues or problems can reach scale 10; where the scale is from 1 to 10. While S1's scale reach say scale 7 rather than full score of 10.

8. Thus no point looking ahead 12 or more years later, when, a calamity may occur before that.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned:-

1. Although #9 is considered as the future prosperity; under Period #8; it is still a "sensitive" star especially if it is similar to the current situation where for SWBase = #5 and WS = #9. Fire fuels #5 or inflames it.

2. Based on the Flying Star Chart, see attachment:-

2.1. This overall chart is considered:-

Lian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, Sickness (5)

Lu Cun Xing, Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts (3)

2.2 There is also the Eight-One combinations analysis:-

2.2.1 For SW = [7] & [9] - Internal Intestine illness.


2.2.2 For S1 = [9] & [7] - Heart illness.

In some instances, the combination of MS# with WS# yields a better or worse interpretations.

3. Thus, to make a sound judgement; such things are to be considered before one makes a judgement call.

4. In addition, as mentioned: even though #9 is the future prosperity star; but when will it arrive? Tomorrow, next year or a decade or so later? If it is decade or so... oops... anything can happen .. before that date!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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