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1. If you talking about the kindergarten type of analysis via the horoscope, yes, you are an earth-horse.

2. For example, under my Chinese horoscope site, you are considered as an earth-horse:-


3. Please note that anything above this line has more to do with "kindergarten type of anaysis.

4. For example, everyone born between 7 Feb 1978 to 27 Jan 1979 are considered as an EARTH Horse. http://www.lovesigns.net/horoscope/ayear/a60-80.htm

5. Ba Zi analysis is more specific: the reason why you are a "fire horse" is on your DAY of birth.

6. Which is more specific?Your YEAR of birth or DAY of birth "pillar".

7. Ba zi looks at the minimium of DD MM YY and HH. It also considers two other pillars forthe living: House of Life andHouse of Conception.

8. Basic Chinese horoscope such as those found in my lovesigns.net are very popular in the 1950's to the 1970's. But, as mentioned,these are really kindergarten standard.. type of thing.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned, as you did not provide your dd.mm.yy (and time of birth);

Take alook at an extract of TWO ba zi's of people born within your year of birth = 1978 (within the Chinese New Year of 1978)

Sample Male born 1978, Male - 23 Mar 1978 9.00 a.m. to 10.59 a.m.Lunar Calendar: 1978, 2nd month, 15 day

Sample Female born in 1978, Female - 24 Nov 1978 11.00 a.m. to 12.59 p.m. Lunar Calendar: 1978, 10th month, 24 day

If you see the attachment, both persons like yourself that are born in the YEAR of 1978 are as you had mentioned = Earth-Horse.

Thus, the three of you are all born as under the YEAR of the Earth-Horse. So what?

Under traditional Ba zi; please see sample chart. There is not only the simplistic YEAR of birth; but there are such things as Day, Month, Hour and even House of Life and House of conception.

Under the Ba zi analysis, your more specific element is based on one of the lowest common denominator: THE MONTH that you were born.

Why MONTH and not YEAR? Which is more focused Year or month? Under the Ba zi, time can even be left "blank" as often, many other complications like some cannot remember or some say different time in different parts of the year.

Thus, anyone Tom, Dick or Harry can be an earth-horse; so can any Ah Lian, Ah Hui and Ah Swee also. So what.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Frankly, if one drawsa comparison with the Western zodiac signs; the Western zodiac signs in general also goes by the month and not the Year.

2. Thus, the Western Zodiac signs also goes by MONTH not YEAR; as shown, below:-

Aries (Ram) March 21 to April 20.
Taurus (Bull) April 21 to May 20.
Gemini (Twins) May 21 to June 21.
Cancer (Crab) June 22 to July 22.
Leo (Lion) July 23 to August 22.
Virgo (Virgin) August 23 to September 22.
Libra (Scales) September 23 to October 22.
Scorpio (Scorpion) October 23 to November 22.
Sagittarius (The Archer) November 23 to December 21.
Capricorn (Sea-goat) December 22 to January 20.
Aquarius (Water Bearer) January 21 to February 19.
Pisces (Fish) February 20 to March 20.

3. Therefore, if one looks closely this is really nothing new, or out of the extraordinary nor the concept did not come from thin air.

4. Even the Chinese Horoscope does have a more complicated version e.g. Tze Wei Tou Shou which is close to the Ba zi element analysis.

5. Thus, just imagine, when we go to a certain school. There are as many as 10 classes for those born in each year (some schools and their capacity). And if the teacher were to ask how unique are all of you; we are all "earth-horses!'. This is no longer unique. Looks like a "bunch" of homogenous homo sepiens...

6. Furthermore, ba zi element calculation is based on the "mother of all" common denominator = The Five Elements concept.

7. The ba zi calculation goes as far to tell you whether you are a WEAK or STRONG fire person. Contrast this to just using the YEAR of birth: earth-Horse.

8. So, is your earth-horse : WEAK earth-horse or STRONG earth-horse?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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