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am a bit confused about
whether to use door facing
direction or flat facing
direction when applying The
Eight House Theory. Some
websites say I should use flat
facing direction instead of
door facing

I live in the
corner unit of a HDB flat
hence the door is facing in a
different direction from
where the flat is actually
facing. Eg. Door is facing
West, Front of the block is

The second thing is
about house occupancy. I am
the sole breadwinner in the
household, but the house
belongs to my parents. So
should the emphasis be
placed on them or me when
considering the Feng Shui?


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These are some of the considerations:-

1. In the past; the facing direction is very straight forward.

2. Many LANDED homes havea main entrance area and the facing direction is like today; you usally stand inside the property looking outtowards often the main gate area. Many homes have the main entrance door directly facing towards the main gate area.

3. Some Geomancers apply this concept religiously. Cannot blame them as they can "quote" a certain Feng Shui book and say hey! To them the proper way of taking a reading is always as what the book (akin to a bible) says. Always stand inside the main door and take a reading looking out of it.

4. Some Geomancers, to reinforce; say this is what ALL Feng Shui "bibles" tell you to do. So there is no ifs or buts, here!

5. However, one must understand the RATIONALE for finding where is the FACING direction of a home.

6. The main reason for finding the FACING direction is so that one can try to work out a Flying Star Chart that maximises the Feng Shui.

7. And the key success factor is " WHERE IS THE MOUTH " of the home?

8. Frankly, as you had mentioned, your HDB apartment may have it's main door at odd sectors in-fact just to suit the corridor leading towards your unit. BUT, in essence: it may not necessarily be the mouth of the home.

9. Today, the consensus amongst most Geomancers is to locate the area of the home which has the most "YANG" qi. For example, you have mentioned that you can define the facing direction of your apartment.

10. Frankly, no one can guarantee that they have got your "facing direction correct".

... / continue in Part 2...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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11. In fact, many good geomancers or even those who try to ascertain the facing direction of the home; for the experienced geomancer would often, observe or check with the home owner things like:-

11.1 Does the owner's leave the main door opened e.g. housewife or housemaker leave the main door (with the grillegate closed).

11.2 Does the owners' go to work and only on weekends leave the door open? or slam-shut it - never leave it open e.g. Many condo owners seldom if ever leave their main door open. But there are some.

11.3 Which part of Singapore one is staying. For example, those staying in Marine Parade and quite alot of the flats are North - South facing. During the day, the land is heated up (low pressure zone) and usually the sea air will blow inwards. Come night, the land mass cool down and often, the land air will blow towards the sea. Here, where are the windows, and what type of flat e.g. those 3 room flat slab type or those five room point block ones or those wavy ones like the Mandarin Gardens.

12. For those who have stayed for several years, often, one may even draw up a few flying star chart to see which is more accurate.

12.1 Thus: hopefully, after reading this two parts...appreciate, please don't ask me: "You have not answered my question."

12.2 Like I say, "IT DEPENDS". And many experienced Geomancers don't sit on a desk top, and give straightforward advise typing out advice on a flat piece of PC screen. Anyone wanting to squeeze out a 100 percent so called answer, might as well, flip a coin = 50 / 50 heads or tail sort of thing.

12.3 We also look at the direction of the entire block, what are in-front of, the compass directions; NE of Singapore e.g. affected by the North-East monsoon etc.. etc...

13. Anyone that can claim otherwise that their "method" is 100 percent must be a GOD. Best therefore is go for the "most yang qi" as the facing direction if one is truly unsure as this may not necessarily be a door of an apartment which can be at "odd" areas or passage way.

14. As I emphasie again: what is the purpose or exercise trying to achieve?

14.1 It is trying to derive a 20 Year Flying Star Chart that hopefully, taps on where is the MOUTH of the home and if we do so, we can try to maximise the proper star numbers for better Flying Star Feng Shui.

15. However, the key point is: LOCATION, LOCATION and LOCATION.

16. Here, we should not just eat, bathe and sleep on Flying Star only. Flying Star is just about the interior four walls of especially for most of us, a home. But, just imagine, when we step out of the home... everything else crumbles... the clue here is : higher weightage is on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.

17. For example, you can read up on or Search for things like "Quantum Leap" in Feng Shui.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Who are the conservatives and who are the modernists?

Please click this link to have an understanding of the term main door and the frontage...


These are some other considerations when determing the "facing direction" (which may not may not necessarily standing inside the main entrance door looking outwards):-


18. Historical precedence

18.1 As mentioned earlier, for a home that was stayed in for sometime: with some history; a few flying star chart could be plotted to see which is more accurate.



19. The concept that earth luck is STRONGEST at the ground level than at higher floors. Thus, some Geomancers felt that they consider the facing or stack more important at lower floor levels.



20. Compass directions; morning / afternoon sun and it's influence on the apartment (if any) to further fine tune whether which side of the home (if any) is more yang than the other side.






21. Usually, the analysis of say how suitable the home is to the breadwinner should be especially the main person who earns the most money.



21.1 Thus the subsidary proprietor of the apartment often is the male breadwinner (by virtue in the past of male, first).



21.2 However, if you subsequently own the most money, and become the most important breadwinner; then it makes sense that priority for the best shouldgo to thebreadwinner.



21.3 For example, for practical reasons, the breadwinner should have more advantages e.g. sleep in a good sector etc... (Other than filial pietywhich is not mentioned, here).



21.4 In such situations, one may (I say) may not necessarily be the actual paper owner of the home. AgainIT DEPENDS!There is no right or wrong answers.



22. I remember some doctors are naive and to them; like the famous book : Grey Anatomy ... doctors know that what you see in the book on human anatomy is: What you see is what you get: WYSIWYG.



23. But Feng Shui or Geomancy is far from the truth! In Geomancy, our heart may not be in the chest cavity! Our mouth may not be on our face!



23.1 Some mouth end up at our anus and... some anus ends up at our mouth! Here, some back of the home is really the front or facing direction (because of it's lovely view and activity) and the main door is really only the back side! Just think or ponder over it!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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